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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A small victory... on: October 03, 2005, 07:56:39 pm
One night after the promotions parade and the most grand victory over the foul Vesperians in a quick but yet devastating battle, some guardsmen set out to patrol for stragglers from Vesper. None were found and most had to get some rest....

Yet 4 brave souls stood out and one of them decided it was time to do something while the adrenaline was still pumping in their veins.

He thought to himself
"Vesperians... They wear green and smell... I want ter see more of them go down. Now! I want their leaders head!"
"Orcs are similar... oh aye... green and smelly!"

"To the ORC FORT chaps!"

And so they left for the head of the orc leader.
They stormed into the fort, just as furious as they had stormed the Vesperian line when crushing them in the battle.

They found him... he was big, green, smelly and damn ugly. Had to be the leader!
They threw themselves at him and just as the Vesperians he succumbed to the might and steel of the Cove Militia!

Of course... After all the fighting they looked a bit battered. Their armour were shredded and the blood was all over. That gave the man in charge of this little expedition another grand idea.
They should work fer the honour of wearing the Covian Armourment!
At this time one of them chose to retire for rest *A small note can be seen saying "succumbed..."*

The 3 that were left ventured onward!
Despise was about to tremble this evening.

They arrived at the cave entrance and rushed in, closely in formation. It might be only lizardmen but who knew whom they might ahd allied themselves with in there...

A brief time had passed since they ventured out to claim the head of the Brute and already their bags were bulging with ressources and gold and the head of course.

Compared to the previous archievements of that evening it was but a small victory but nonetheless they had served Cove and kept themselves going, instead of slumbing down in the tavern getting drunk.

But a drink was of course not to be denied. It was a drink of a very grand victory...

The victory over Vesper and all their kin!

The scene was ending with the thundering sound of male voices roaring out...


Julius Estory
Regular Guardsman
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: ROLL CALL. on: October 03, 2005, 07:40:51 pm
Julius Estory, Regular Guardsman

"Was never really gone ye know..."
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Report: Drill and Combat Training! on: September 27, 2005, 10:26:17 pm
Damn right I stood alone!
None to challenge me superiority anyway!


Good report Recruit!
Got the most important with in it!
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A memory lost.... on: September 27, 2005, 05:31:34 pm
A fine story of a forgotten time when CoY was still around. Especially Kirans history I can nod approving to since we have a past Wink
Nice one mate!
5  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: Drill exercise for Recruits and Juniors - 27/9, 6 PM GMT on: September 27, 2005, 04:45:57 pm
6  In Character Boards / Old Events / Drill exercise for Recruits and Juniors - 27/9, 6 PM GMT **POSTPONED** on: September 26, 2005, 03:38:20 pm
Ye need a sharpening of tha attitude yer showing these days!
Oh aye ye might havea  weapon and an armour but yer nay invincible!

I've seen mongbats tha were more dangerous that the fat lot o' ye!


Time: Tuesday, 27/9 at 6 PM GMT
Place: Cove Barracks
Bring: Battlegear and survival kit. (Bedroll, torch etc.)
People to attend: Ranks of Regular and down!

Julius Estory
Regular Guardsman
7  In Character Boards / Old Events / A history lost... (Cancelled event) on: September 26, 2005, 03:32:48 pm
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A hunt...with a twist? on: September 05, 2005, 02:38:31 am
*Stands glaring at the report*
*tilts head and steps back a bit, studying the words*
*walks closer again and then steps back again*

Tha... makes no sense... *shakes head and blinks*
*turns his head upside-down*
Oh... I see now!

Damn fine work!

But wha are those erh... *turns around again*

Oh... Drawings!
Nicely done!
Keep em comming recruit!
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Cove Does Despise! on: September 05, 2005, 02:33:02 am
*twas one late evening and only few were still around...
The truely loyal of the Baron of course... *mumbles: Curse the others!*

Anyway it was time to do something cause they might be loyal but they were still lazy buggers!

"Line up!" The order thundered through the barracks and a small line was swiftly made before Regular Estory.

"I want meself an Ogre Lords head! And then... A Titans Crown! And then ladies... A Cyclops Eye!"
"Off we go!" he shouted and opened a gate quickly to the Dungeon known as... Despise!

They entered swiftly and even tho there was some trouble finding the right way down to the second level they managed to enter it and breach the trolls roaming the first part.

The made their way to the Ogre Lords, who was feasting upon the last stragglers fearless and dumb enough to go here alone.

Orders were shouted and the recruit(s) fought the best they could while the mages healed them up and fired their deadly spells at them when they could get a chance to do so.

Ogre Lords.... Titans... Cyclops... Ettins.... Trolls

The lot were swiftly dispatched off!

And indeed it was... A slaughter too...

However after a few erh... disagreements between the two mages Veldrin and Julius it was decided to head back home
and so a gate was opened!

Back at the barracks the gold was counted up and a new side of the new recruit Kiran was shown...
"Greedy lil' sod!"
But since this was among his first hunts he was given a slight larger share, tho still reasonable.

"Get them boots polished dammit!"

Indeed a grand sum for four people!
A little over TWENTY THOUSAND!


Regular Arcanist - Julius Estory (Leader)

Arcane Corporal - Veldrin Ni'harel
Guardsman Recruit - Seamus
Guardman Recruit - Kiran

Julius Estory
Regular Arcanist of the Cove Militia
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Cadre Roll Call! 04/09/05 on: September 04, 2005, 06:26:19 pm
*Snaps his fingers over the parchment, making his signature appear*

Damn right I was!
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Tokuna Ekspedition. on: September 03, 2005, 09:17:22 pm
"Right.... So she needs a rune marked now..." Julius thought as he was standing in Corporal Veldrins line, which she had called.

The destination was Tokuna and the task was marking a rune for a small encampment in the island of Isamu-Jima.

Firstly all was quiet but that was about to change quicker than they had wished for.
Good thing Senior Tiberius had just held his strict training so the drilling was still fresh in their memory, which led to orders carried out swiftly and precise.

Tokuna also offered other surprises than mere beasts...
Assassins and those dreaded fan dancers lurked... Of this they were sure and of course...
One showed up swiftly, striking at them.
They were on guard which slowed the assassin just long enough to get dispatched off.

The task was still clear nonetheless and their destination was very close now. They stumbledm into the small settlement and walked around, inspecting.
Seemed like a small fishing village, abandoned at this moment tho.
They made their rune and hurried back before endning as snack for the lurking beasts.

The task was done, the destination reached, the rune marked and now the gold were counted up and it was no small amount for a short trip such as this.
Now it was time to rest before the grand hunt with Corporal Veldrin.
The attendances:

Arcane Corporal, Veldrin Ni'harel (Leader)

Regular Arcanist, Julius Estory
Junior Guardsman, Drachir
Watchman, Garand

took their oppertunity to get a drink and a few moments of rest.

Julius Estory
Regular Arcanist
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Covian Sentry on: September 02, 2005, 01:44:30 pm
Oh so because there is no pesky crates or bloodsoiled hides it is no sentry...?
I had sentry guards placed. *grumbles*
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Gate Sentry on: September 01, 2005, 10:02:51 pm
*glances at the sketches*
Very good aye...
*Reaches the last*
Hmm... Who will be geting who killed  eh...?
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Covian Sentry on: September 01, 2005, 09:54:38 pm
Indeed lad. Grand job taking the overhead view from up there as ye were told to... *winks*
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrol in Cove on: September 01, 2005, 09:53:42 pm
... Julius returned to Cove shortly after the sentry was dissolved cause he had a feeling...
A worried feeling...

He might have sent patrol out to ensure the safesty in the town but he was nay calm before he himself had inspected the town and it's inhabitants!
"Why send a Junior to do a Regulars job?!" he thought and called for a recruit.

Shortly after Claudius reported for duty and along with Julius the thoroughly inspectiong begun!

He had set a course of his own.
First destinations was the healers and the bank. Important places in the Covian Industry.
All seemed calm and the civilians were relieved to have the comfort and safety of Cove upon them.
A rumour of some criminals in town yet reached Julius' ears and he promised the workers in the bank to take care of this with upmost haste.
The trip went to the watchtower near the water and here some odd discoveries was made.
Quickly the trip went to the tower to make sure none were hiding inside to lay claim of a poor farmers gold or a lasses virginity in worst case!

Mission complete...
Now to return to the workers to deliver the news.
The two were recieved with happiness and praising worthy of a hero.
Of course all they did was their simple duty but none the less the loyality of the Covians were steadily secured!

However the docks were still left. No patrol ending without ensuring the safety of the dock workers. After all this was a major income for the town and hereby the Baron and his Militia.

And so the recruit were dismissed and Julius has peace within.
Enough to go to the tavern and get a drink and home to get a good nights sleep to be ready for another day in the service of Baron Octiovus and the Covian militia!

Julius Estory
Regular of the Covian Militia.
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