The Treasure Hunt. By Toranoor, Guardsman Recruit, Baronship of Cove.
When I caught up with the group, they were just weighing anchor at Cove dock, when suddenly two bandits appeared from hiding on the ship. Eager to be rid of such nuisances, Arc pursued the two bandits beyond recall. Leaving him behind, we did set sail.
After sailing to open sea, Tweeso had much difficulty trying to convince the captain of the ship where to sail and finally, after several false starts, the captain understood the map and we were off.
With a couple of the party feeling seasick from the turbulant waters, we feared that we would mess the deck but lady luck was smiling on us and we made landfall on an inhabited island where the first treasure was supposed to be found.
After much searching by Tweeso, involving several pauses to rub his head and mutter, sign was found of the treasure. The digging began...
All went well, with some monsters appearing only to be soundly defeated by the stalwart militia. A brief argument between the Arc and Hrothgar and the Junior Guardsman, Donwin. The argument was on whether the gold from the hunt should go to the Militia or to the Baron. The argument was never resolved and this one does not know whither the gold went.
After the successful retrieval of the first chest, we marched back to the ship to resume the hunt for the second of the treasures.Before we could leave, thogh, we had to convince the recalitrant Donwin to put aside the aforementioned argument and board the ship.
After another quiet voyage to the mainland, we disembarked and set out for the location of the second treasure. Brave Gellin volunteered to remain behind with the ship to make sure that pirates did not make off with it before we could be finished with the hunt.
A brief march inland brought us the general location of the treasure. However, Tweeso had awful difficulties locating the treasure and we had to make camp and secure the area before we could continue.
After many fruitless hours spent scouring the area for signs of the treasure, Tweeso finally located the treasure site and so we broke camp to head for the treasure.
Before we could leave though, Julius was startled by a healer who sprang up from the log he was sitting on and fled through the forest, leaving a indignant Julius with nowhere to vent his frustration.
Leaving the camp behind, we marched to the location of our final treasure. Tweeso warned us that the monsters that guarded this treasure were more fearsome and deadly than the last and we were to be prepared.
When the treasure was uneartherd, the guardians leapt upon us with a fearful ferocity quickly downing 2 of our number before we could react and destroy them. After ressurecting Arc and Hrothgar, Tweeso, prepared an elaborate anti trap involving a piece of string and disarmed the traps on the chest. We were in.
A brief time later, the chest emptied and feeling elated we marched back to the ship. The merry atmosphere gave vent to some off colour jokes by certain members of the group.
After boarding the ship once more, the captain quickly set sail for Cove. On the journey we were set upon by 2 water elementals but they were no match for the militias mettle and were quickly seen off. As we approached Cove, the captain appeared to suffer from a seizure of some kind as the ship began to violently turn and pitch in the clear weather. After some colourful vomiting we managed to land the ship and found our way back to Terra Firma. A short march found us back at the barracks with tales to tell of the hunt and the knowledge of gold earned for the Baronship.
Julius Estory
Should you wish a copy of the story complete with pictures my ICQ is 208-574-182
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