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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A stalking shadow.. on: November 14, 2005, 07:32:14 pm
Far, far away. In the northern parts of the realm. In the deep forests of Yew trees and underbrush there are the ruins of a sacred crypt. Rumours speak of walking dead who inhabit the cold rocks. It seems the rumours speak truth. Between dying trees and wilted flowers, between spiderweb and forgotten graves, the Undead have their home. They call it the Undead lands. It is a vast complex of underground tunnels and catacombs and above grounds there are several large buildings, built of mourning stone and spilled with the blood of sacrificed mortals. Evil lurks behind every corner

Nyss one is sssave..
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A stalking shadow.. on: November 13, 2005, 08:23:33 pm
Peasant: Oi'! Ser! Ah 'ave this.. strange feelin' .. Tha' something be stalkin' me!

Guardsman: Heh! Ye know wha'.. Terday our own commander got struck down by ah couple of.. shadows!

Peasant: Eh?! *Peasant turns pale* wh'..a'a ye mean..?

Guardsman: Seriously! Ah was standin' guard at em barracks and suddenly the Commander runs out chased by shadows! They struck him down right infront of em church!

Peasant: ... *peasant has fled*

Guardsman: Churchies said 'em where the followers of the Guardian.. *Looks to his left and then to his right* Bleedin'... I'd rather have some Vesperians. *tightens grip on halberd*

3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The slaughter at the healers! on: March 21, 2005, 10:36:47 pm
*You overhear two peasants talking to each other outside a farm*

Oi...! Ye 'eard?


Appereantly some..thing caused a total bloodbath at the healers in Minoc an' Cove last night.
The healers got murdered an' everyone tha' was inside. Two Cove militia found the mess.

Aye aye I did! Í 'eard it was a bloody mess! Them say it was the shadow.

*The other peasant shakes his head*
I heard it's one of em Undead.. But the smithy is convinced it's Drow!

Hmm, Wha' about em Caste?
*They walk inside*
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Drunk Bandits on: January 29, 2005, 08:03:39 pm
Psht? Heard about tha' raid on the barracks?

When it was all quiet two bandits robbed the baron himself! And afterwards they went to Trinsic and got drunk too!

'tis true!

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