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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recruit Trial: Feraz on: February 11, 2005, 03:01:04 pm
(OOC: Sorry for the Thumbnails but it was so many pictures so i figured this was the easiest way to put them out on the forum)
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recruit Trial: Feraz on: February 11, 2005, 02:52:10 pm
Allright i recived my task now fer meh promotion and decided ter get on with it as soon as possible, but all i had in meh thoughts were my lovely Kristen. I asked my dear friend Cassius Livius ter aid me in my journey and he gladly accepted it..

As soon as we entered the cave i saw a Avenger and decided ter take it down

As soon as i killed that Avenger more spiders started to come and i had no other option then fight us way out

When we killed them all i gave orders to continue moving before others would show up. We went down one level deeper into the cave and spotted a few red solen worker

We started moving and we ran into a Red Solen Queens along with her guards, i felt the swet on my forehead but well.. We charged!

We conitnued our journey and ran into somethin' really interesting. A few beetles hard working so i thouth "Why not slay those too wile we are here"

This was getting tougher and tougher fer us but i counted on the lord ter watch our backs fer us. We continued our walking and encountered something really huge and nasty...

We decided ter get out from this cave and head to Ice Dungeon to find me a Frost Spider..

When we entered it was, well extremly cold and dark so we bringed up our lanterns ter see anything and right infront of us stood a frost spider and ratmens! Just waiting for a good meal...

We decided that it was too cold fer us down here to continue and i was done with my task so we headed outside again

Task done sir Shadwell!
*signed with neat handwriting*
/ Recruit Feraz
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recruit Cadre SIGN BELOW! on: February 09, 2005, 11:19:32 pm
*Writes Feraz with a perfect handwriting*
4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Bandits look here! on: February 06, 2005, 03:44:55 pm
To all the bandits and other scumbags around Cove..
I have now built a little hideout for us.. A long way from Cove, acually near Ice Dungeon.. Contact me if you wish  to have a rune for this hideout... This hideout will be used as our base of operations and if things gets really messy we should before every event gather here where we can be allone.. =)

/Tom Rackham
/Recruit Feraz
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