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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Isn't it about time our Baron Octiovus be married? on: March 12, 2005, 03:38:47 am
Hmmm... is that an intimidated Baron I see crawling up in the corner?

Big Chested Celts, Smelly Gypsies, Young Children and Whatnot....

Give the Lordship some air to breathe, I believe you are suffocating him.
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Contest: Best Covian Farm Design on: February 24, 2005, 07:46:29 pm
Farm Design #2: "Organized cropping for maximum growth", submitted by Quartermaster Franz

"Put yer body and mind inter it!"

Ah see em crops like ah do see em guards. If yer nay care after fer 'em some will grow wild and others will juss be left ter rot! Ah do wha' ever task ah get as possibly good as ah can, and so will all guardsmen within Cove!
3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Roll Call Tbh! on: February 23, 2005, 08:09:37 pm
Armand D'Orleon, Mercenary

Franz, Quartermaster
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / One's fortune, another's misery... on: February 02, 2005, 04:36:10 pm
The Baron tossed a rather large leather pouch at Armand.
"There is plenty of work to be done", he said.

Armand had stepped into the Barons office, asking for work, and sure would be be work to do as the Baron replied. The leather pouch was already well filled judging by the share weight. It had to be some kind of advance for the coming mission.

"You will recieve 1,000 crowns for every drow you take care of", the Baron went on. "You will also recieve an additional 1,000 crowns if you would acompany us for the coming war".

There was little moment to think about this, Armand accepted the "drow mission" at once as he tied the leather pouch to his belt. He also made word that should he be in Cove at the time the guards went out to war, he would follow their lead aswell.

The Baron looked pleased and they both took seperate ways.
Armand left Cove that very same moment, and headed for Vesper. Well there he would buy some equipment. Bandages were also needed, one could never have to few of those Armand thought. A few hours had passed now and Armand made his way towards the moongate.

Some few hours later he stood there, outside of the yellow city.
He made haste inside avoiding the larger streets where guards could be seen patroling.

Few drow around, he thought for himself... this is not the way he remembered Trinsic. There would always at least be one group of drow standing about. But not now. The city seemed more calm than ever. Well, almost. A central bridge had apparantly been blowed to pieces and were under repairation.

It would take him a little longer to find one drow, just one lone drow walking the streets with overconfident steps. Armand folded up his scythe and went after.

The drow suddenly stopped, and as if alarmed and knowing the danger, it armed a shield and sword and jumped straight at Armand.

The drow opponent was tough. Every time Armand tried to pass it to gain an offensive advantage, a few well balanced steps from the drow and it was out of range.

The fight went on for several minutes and if nothing would take a turn now, they would most likely just run off in opposite directions.
Armand, who was on the defensive at the moment, took some time to think, and then he launched out another of his own attacks, this time he wielded his scythe in a different way, something the drow was not expecting.

Armand, took a few deep breathes, and then made his way out of Trinsic, back to the moongate. No more fights tonight he thought. Perhaps he was lucky there only were just one drow in Trinsic this time.

But, where had they all gone?
5  In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Armand D'Orleon on: January 31, 2005, 09:58:43 pm
Growing up in the capitol of Sosaria, Britain, there was always something going on in the streets whether it be day or night.
In his young teens Armand got pulled into a dark business who would taint his life forever.
Starting out as a member of "The Crows", a group investing time into extreme political actions. They were a tool for the rich to use, whenever someone or something had to be removed.

Being the large city as Britain is, there were alot of illeagal substances passing around in the underworld and was only a matter of time before Armand was pulled into addiction aswell. At first it was just taken to erease the possible emotion of guilt for killing what ever target they recieved. But then as heavier substances were introdused to Armand his personality took a huge turn. Whenever he applied the substance directly into his vein it would affect his reflexes, his stamina, boost every sences and turn him into an efficient machine used by those who rather not kill themselves.

Of course there were downsides, and not few of them. His body were starting to break down, malfunction like a broken cog amongst the clockwork. Whenever he took the substance he could do whatever he needed to without a second of doubt, but it was during the hours of unaffection Armand's life was black. It lead to isolation, he started to avoid people. He found other places to sleep at than in his own home. It was to painful meeting his family. his family were highly religious, often visiting the church several days a week. Before all this started Armand also were highly religious, he often spent no less than two hours every day amongst the friars and monks.

Now it had all passed. Armand was being swallowed up from inside by the alien substances he now was forced to take to make life barable.
One day life took another turn. From being afraid to meet his family and angry at himself for starting all this he started to feel less. The emtions were fading. His face were starting to take a more plain shape and he stopped smile, laugh, frown or scream.

Present, Armand is but a shell. He still has no emitons, and his face is plain as if frozen in every situation. He can not love, he can not hate. He has sought up his family again and even if there is no real emotion, somewhere deep inside of him, there is a little bit of care and concern, mostly for his two younger sisters.

He is no longer taking any heavy substances, but is stuck smoking nightshade to somehow regulate his body. He is more than often seen with a shade roll hanging from his mouth.

Further information:

The topknot Armand grows from his head is not there without a reason.
He used to have a completely shaved head from the days among the monks and friars. He had plans on becoming a monk himself. Now the topknot is there like a flail in his life, always reminding him of what he will never become.

Armand cares very little about anything, yet he accepts everything.
While he may not speak to you in a very charmingly or friendly way, there is no hate or anger in his words. 

He has several huge scars on his back looking like a symbol. Thats the mark every member of "The Crows" recieve in their initial stage. Once joined they are marked for life. While no longer part of the group, Armand still has memories as fresh as the past day from  the time in Britain, and so he still go there now and then to speak to all the other members, recieve news and to meet his family.
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