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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Who here has Samurai Empire? on: February 11, 2005, 02:07:36 pm
I have Third Dawn! Tongue
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recruit Cadre SIGN BELOW! on: February 08, 2005, 08:49:05 pm
*Loksli signs*

Aye! Thank God I finished that!
3  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: Aprentice tryouts on: February 04, 2005, 11:16:29 am
Damn it... I am sick with food poisoning from that pie Dellamona gave me...  Shocked Wont be able to make it... its a pity...

Signed by
Loksli DeLorean

[OOC] Have to go to the uni so I wont be able to attend... Sad
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Kidnapped on: February 03, 2005, 03:33:36 pm
GRRRR!!! Are we going to just stand there??? LETS GET IT!
I will track it down and destroy it! And that other traitor Grief! He also knocked me out!! It is my fault... I should've protected you... I await for any punishment...

Signed by,
Loskli DeLorean
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Hello Lads and Lasses! on: February 03, 2005, 03:29:32 pm
Hello everyone! It is me, the new recruit in town! Loksli DeLorean! I am happy to serve this place, and I would like to greet every one of you in person! So hi!

Signed by,
Loskli DeLorean
6  In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Loksli DeLorean on: February 03, 2005, 03:25:39 pm
*part from the DeLorean Chronicles*

     There once was the DeLorean woods... a place so far and so distant that only a few could find it...

     King DeLorean ruled the "woods of mystery" as they are called. Peaceful, and beautiful place it was. The King had a wife. There was only one problem... the Queen was half-Elf, and this fact remained secret from everyone in the country. Only one person new... the mage-advisor of the King, Saevro. Elves were forbitten creatures in the region. They were thought of taking over the woods, and making it their own. So if the people of DeLorean were to find out that their king had married a half-elf, he would be surely executed.

     Many good years passed with King DeLorean's rule. He had a son, who he named Loksli. He was heir to the throne. It was then that Saevro decided to take over the kingdom... Legend says it that he went to a cave where many Orc creatures lay, and he woke up an army where no one has ever seen... He lead the army into a secret entrance of the castle, and backstabbed the King...

     The Queen though escaped with her child in her hands. She put him in a carriage, and opened a portal to another world... the world of Britannia... right before she got killed be wandering Ant Warriors...

     The kingdom of DeLorean was undoubtly destroyed... blackness covers the kingdom as we speak now... and Saevro the dark lord still rules this forsaken world...

     As for me, sribe Hamil, I managed to escape and live with my only salvation around DeLorean. The Elves... as I heard later on, Loksli had grown up to be a great warrior, a mercenary, and surely an avenger, since he will surely come back to avenge his father... He has the strengths of an elf, none of their weakness, and I am sure that he will one day come back... I am sure of it...

Signed by,
Hamil, the Scribe of DeLorean Kingdom
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