A young and beautiful princess, who was the only child of a lord named Godric, was in the bedhead of this rich king of threatened descendants. After some hours of death throes, the king, who was very old, died in silence, beside his daughter who taked his liveless body for a last time in her arms.
Some days later, a knight in a dark armour came in the castle of the princess and asked for audience. Als she was still plunged into mourning, she accepted against her heart, to accept the unknown, mainly because her curiosity.
The knight got ahead in the room of the throne, and said quickly his first words to the princess.
- Lady Alamandria, I heard that mourning of our death king still in your heart. That's why I came here to bring you my help.
The young princess looked at him and seen the face of this man who did not look disinterested.
- Definitely who are you and which assistance are you able to bring me? Alone to make go back my father shall alleviate me.
- My very dear I can't hide you that I came in this place without a cure against the death of your father. But I am a man of hight parage and I give you my company and my experience to govern your kingdom.
The lady was surprised and looked at the head of the man with reluctance.
-You do not lose your time, my dear. Know that my heart and my gold, if I had it, I cannot share it. My poor father will give the kingdom only has the man who will be enough brave and clever for solve a quest.
The man raised the head lightly and looked at the young lady in eyes, and spoke more distinctly
- Then, entrust to me this quest and I shall prove you that I am worthy of you and of your subjects.
The young lady took out a magnificently finely wrought book and says to him
- Know that copies of this book has just been sent around the world, you will not therefore be the only one who will try.
She gived him the book and watched him when he leaving the castle on his black horse who seemed to be born in entrails of the earth.