When: 04/14/08 22:00 GMT
Where: Troop Barracks
Commanding Officer: Regular Guardsman T. Sendrich
Troops in attendance:
SGT Hoagie
GR J. Forsyth
GR M. Grimplad
GR Raven
GR Takeamada
Civilian Varthruy
RG Sendrich took charge of the line and conducted a sentry in front of the troop barracks. This was conducted because of the number of recruits on duty. It was to be a training event. GR Takeamada, being prepared as normal had most of the equipment needed to conduct the sentry. Troops were sent to gather the few minor things GR Takeamada did not have.
While conducting the training, a hooded figure approached the sentry and demanded our gold!!! RG Sendrich ordered him to remove his hood and mask. The figures refused and threaten the guard force. He then vanished. This put the sentry on alert! A few minutes later the hooded figure returned and again demanded gold. Words were exchanged and an attack on the sentry took place. This hooded figures fought without honor and use stealth to vanish before we could attack. Their hit and run tactics proved too much for are archers and cost us two wounded, GR Raven and Takeamada. The troops of the sentry would not give up and finally defeated the unknown attackers. After words the wounded were treated and the sentry disbanded!
End of report.
* Signed *
GR Coven Army