*the report is written with curiously good penmanship, complete with diagrams*
On the morning of 4.28.05 there had been some reports of suspicious persons roaming around with in the gates of Cove and the citizens were uneasy. Watchman Valiro lead recruits Kate, and Vlad on a patrol of the city looking for any thing out of the ordinary.
Recruit Vlad was ordered to take the main road and scout the area around the northern tower, while recruit Kate was ordered to go east along the shore and check the docks.

While patrolling Kate didn't see any thing out of the ordinary, though the citizens seemed to be glad for a guards presence in the city proper. While she was checking out the docks Kate talked to the harbor master to see if he'd had trouble with any of the crews that had docked that day. He pleasantly assured her that all had been running smoothly.

After scouting their prospective territories the recruits returned to check in with Watchman Valiro. Satisfied with the reports he ordered a forced march back to the barracks.

*signed neatly*
Calico Kate