Go-Hei, Guardsman Recruit
Eve, Grenadier Corporal
Marcus Kobra, Watchman
Delferium, Watchman
Got a task from Eve to lead a patrol around Cove and these buildings. In fact it was my first patrol in front as a leader. As ordinary we lined up in front of our barracks. Me, Eve and Marcus. To the north beside the shores, we went in a small line. Thought the shores would be a good place to look for intruders. Was a quite walk to the banquet hall and grenadier hall. Speaking of banquet hall, we had a funny time inside where we listen to beautiful music. Eve asked me if i could dance but i said no, I can try dance but, I can not dance.
Later inside grenadier hall, would not miss anything suspect inside there. Nothing happend, Oh Yes! Delefrium joined our company back to Cove village. A harpy appeared in our way, was an easy enemy. The monster was dead in a minute, Marcus wanted it's meat. He told us it tasted like chicken. I let it be unsaid.
Outside the centre of Cove near the gates a another enemy appeared. A LICH, we hold back a bit. They can be really tricky whit dark magics and stuffs i don't know so much about. He laughed against us. But that he would never done. In a single blow, he had meet the same fate as the harpy.
Cove was once more safe for the night.
That would be all.
Go-Hei, Guardsman Recruit