Attended by:Raiden, Grenadier Captain
(leading)Hoagie, Sergeant
Kas Valentine, Regular Guardsman
later joined by:Darek Milako, Junior Grenadier
Falconheart, Junior Grenadier
Takeamada, Junior Grenadier
Maccen Korten, Commoner
Trophy Collected: Grand Fang Of The Dragon Lord!
Coin For The Coffers: 4,000 Takeamada, Junior Grenadier.As the only three guards on duty I suggested that dashing, flamehaired arcanist Kas Valentine whisk us off somewhere death defying... As we stepped out of the portal we realised we had arrived at the temple of fire.
We made our way up the steps to the vile alter where we faced an onslaught of demons from the abyss. Suffering only a few scrapes and scratches we were soon knee deep in blood and gore as the demon corpses piled up all around us.
Laden down with loot filled packs we retreated to the temple entrance where I sent out a pigeon requesting reinforcements and Kas went to change his armour. Three Grenadiers and a Commoner answered the call and just as well as the vile forces at work in the temple chose that moment to unleash drakes, dragons and more demons upon our forces.
The battle here was tougher as the
dragon lords (greater dragons) knocked us off our feet. But persistant skirmish attacks and a good dose of Covian grit and Grenadier swagger saw two
dragon lords slain along with their lesser brethren.
With the inhabitants of the temple silenced we made our way back to Cove where loot was divided and leather and other resources entered into the army stores. Sergeant Hoagie then
volunteered to buy a round in the tavern to make the victory even sweeter!
*signed*Raiden, Grenadier Captain.