Townsfolk, both Loyalist and Rebel converged on Castle Blackthorn to hear wise words from notable civic leaders and to enjoy a peaceful evening of dancing, music and merriment. Nothing could have prepared them for what they were about to witness.
The speeches went well enough with our fine Baron offering some sagely insights and there was general good will amongst the throng until the Yewlanders took their turn to point out how blessed the rest o' the world was that they showed up.
The Baron and Captain telling it like it is!After the final address people made there way ter the Ballroom for refreshments and a spot of dancing. Again apart from the Yewlanders trying ter incite us with their outdated clothes and six fingered hands the night was enjoyable enough... Then IT happened.
*Shudders*It seems the Captain of Vesper had one too many glasses of red and that someone had supplied him with a dress, bottle of oil and a stuffy bear... What happened next was the stuff of nightmares.
If you attended tonight's festivities please sign below.
*signed*Raiden, Grenadier Captain.