Attended by:Raiden, Commander.
(leading)Kas Valentine, Company Arcanist.
Dah'Han, Mercenary Recruit.
Jane, Mercenary Recruit.
The Vesper Militia had occupied a hostel on one of the town's islands in a bid to halt the Union's advance. The Union's forces were not as numerous as in the previous engagements, with many laid up and carrying injuries from the previous battles but they were confident of victory none the less after being victories in the three previous battles so far. That confidence took a severe knock however as the Union's first assault on the hostel was torn to shreds by the defending militia.
After regrouping and rethinking their tactics the combined forces of The Company, Vesper Trading Company and the Sterling & Kendall Trading Company attacked once more and fought fiercely to gain a foothold inside the hostel. The fighting was frantic but once the Union's forces got to grips with the Militia at close quarters there would be only one winner. Fighting raged from room to room until the Militia's forces were finally expelled.
The Company excels once again in the Vesper Campaign. Well done lads 'n' lasses. The battle was now in the balance but the Union staved of one Militia counterattack before brutally putting down one final all out assault by Captain Escaflowne's forces, the waters foaming against the island's shore red with the blood of the fallen. Another victory for the combined forces of the Union, but more importantly...
Another Covian Victory!
*signed*Raiden, Commander.