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Author Topic: Battle, Drill, & Relaxation Trainings  (Read 2318 times)
Cove Command
Covian Legend

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« on: January 29, 2009, 04:04:51 am »

Part One: Battle Training

Led By: Torrak Keres, Mercenary Skirmisher
Attended By: Kas Valentine, Veteran Mercenary Arcanist
                   Perrin, Mercenary
                   Raven, Mercenary Skirmisher
                   Falconheart, Mercenary
                   Jon Trent, Mercenary
                   Faden Wildheart, Mercenary Recruit
                   Betty Smyth, Mercenary Recruit
So after gatherin' the men up and gettin' them all in line, I realized it was a golden opportunity to give a rarely issued and awe-inspiring command - To Double The Line! Unfortunately, the men completely failed to do so and instead formed a right triangle. Seeing the obvious need for some practice, I had Valentine open a gate to Serpent's Hold.

Upon arriving, several of the men (Faden, Kas, and Raven) opted to try on a set of dresses that had been left on the ground by persons unknown. With half of the group crossdressing, I separated the "Dresses" into one group, and Jon, Perring, Falc', and Betty into the other (granting them the noble title of "Team B"). Team B was placed on the defense and given plenty of supplies to prepare the defense of a 3-pace wide bridge leading into their side of the fortress. Meanwhile, I rallied my own men and issued orders.

As the first round commenced, and my estimates of the enemy's range proved to be far too conservative, it became apparent that there'd been a breakdown in the command structures of both groups. It appeared that Team B was coordinating poorly, leaving individual members open to attack as the rest fired ineffectually at targets of their choosing. Seeing this, I gave orders to target specific members of Team B and to withdraw out of range of the walls immediately afterward. Via this skirmishing tactic, we eventually reduced the enemy force to just Perrin and a vast network of defenses. We charged the front gates and downed Perrin as he fled deeper into the fort. The Dresses claimed victory in Round One.

In round two, The Dresses were placed on the defensive and given slightly fewer resources to build their defenses. Nevertheless, the Dresses built an impressive defense - with obstacles scattered about to the forward of the main wall to disrupt Team B's advance. Needless to say, it worked. Though Team B methodically removed the obstacles as they advanced, they responded poorly to the hails or bolts raining on them from the walls. By the time they had reached the main wall, they had been reduced once more to just Perrin. A brief counter-charge saw Perrin downed, and The Dresses claimed Victory in the second round.

After this, I dismissed the injured Recruit Smyth and arranged Jon, Faden, Kas, and Raven into Team A, and Perrin, Falconheart, and myself into Team B for a single round of Combat Hide and Seek. Though Team B started out strong with their ambush, felling Kas, Team A was able to pull into formation and systematically neutralize Team B.

We concluded with a Free-For-All, which 'ah came in third place in, behind Perrin and Falconheart. Kas did not participate due to his injured leg.

- The Keres


Part Two: Drill and Relaxation Training

Led by: Torrak Keres, Mercenary Skirmisher
Attended by: Raven, Mercenary Skirmisher
                   Kaitlin, Mercenary Recruit
                   Faden Wildheart, Mercenary Recruit
                   Kas Valentine, Veteran Mercenary Arcanist (late)

After we'd spent days in the frozen wastes of the Lost Lands complete Faden's Trials and finally made our way back to the Barracks, I ordered the men to line up for a brief Drill training. We covered the basic Battle Commands, practiced some Parade manoeuvres, and added a new Command; "Wheel Clockwise" or "Wheel Counterclockwise", in which the line pivots ninety degrees in either direction, with the guardsman in the center (if the number of men is odd) simply turning in the correct direction as he acts as a focal point.

Tired from all of this running around, freezing to death, and practicing drills, I decided to order the men into casual attire and to rally on the beaches near Trinsic! What followed was a series of bagball games, extended periods of quiet relaxation, and Raven cheating to win said Bagball games. Kas arrived at some point, and influenced Raven to resume the previous practice of crossdressing - this time in light blue. Eventually the party training devolved into a game of pestering Faden.

Our relaxation concluded, we strategically withdrew back to Cove, whereupon most of us went home to sleep.

*signed sloppily*
Torrak Keres, Mercenary Skirmisher

Torrak: As far as I'm concerned, though, EA is just unauthorized modding BoC.
Baron's Own Grenadier
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« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2009, 08:36:28 am »

Was a fine training! I suggest more like them occur.
Although, Raven did not cheat, Raven was winning superbly until the other teams became violent!


⚔ The Richter Crest ⚔ Order of Distinction ⚔ Border Wars ⚔ Trinsic Campaign ⚔ Vesper Civil War ⚔

[22:37] Hoagie: I think Raven would make a hot girl
[01:57] XxwarbringerxX: Raven would indeed make a hot chick.
Life is a challenge
Citizen of Cove
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« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2009, 06:06:33 pm »

Keres should be greatly applauded for the Battle Training. I would like to see more of this its better than the drills you get on the Barrack roof and its more practical and shows us how to use the land to our advantage.

The beach training was fun too however I was surprised to see everyone touching me! (OOC: I was writing my trial report at the time and alt+tabbed and saw crazy people touching me!).

Very well done Keres.

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