Present:Leander Le Blah
Me'an Sillen
Torrak Keres
Reno Montresa
Celuvian Haap
Overview:A Yewish caravan was t'head from Yew to Trinsic carryin' five pack 'orses of load.
Bu', they were set upon by Rebels from Yew! What are t'odds of tha'!?
After many ambushes on route, y'could call the rebel forces victorious, as the caravans' packhorse's were slain. I sure saw many Rebel fighters ge'their 'eads knocked together quite a few times. Even more so when a small detachment o' Trinsic guards arrived. Looking quite poncy, I might add, I needed sunglasses to look at one o' 'em.
Plus, special request from Hoagie, t'say that Raven is great, and the rest are rubbish.
Sketches:Innocent bystander;