Ordered by:Torrak Keres, Mercenary Corporal
The Punished:Thomas Aylmer, Mercenary Recruit
Leander Le Blanc, Company Arcanist
Corporal Sir,
First let me say that I am sincerely sorry
that Kado bashed me over the head with the blunt end of his axe completely unprovoked …
that I caused “trouble” … that I exist.
As requested I hath prepared a full report detailing the cleaning of The Green Goblin. May thee be as fascinated reading this report as I was joyous when I scraped the dried parrot excrement off the stone walls.
The point of this task was
well, I'm not sure, could you tell me please? For Thomas and I to learn not to get beaten up by unnecessarily violent people in taverns. So, we decided to locate some cleaning supplies, mind you Thomas' face has been roughed up gorily and I am blacking out from a near concussion. Nevertheless, we would nay want to leave any doubt about our devotion to Cove and the Company.
I began by picking up the bits of glass from the broken ale bottle on the floor. Then I hopped over the bar and filled up a large bucket with water. There was a lot of mud and freshly spilled blood to be washed up.
I couldn't find any rags but I looked under the sink and found some dirty old pantyhose and a shirt so I ripped those up and used them as rags. Carlotta glared at me, but as usual, she didn't say anything.
Thomas and I began scrubbing the entire tavern. While Thomas dusted the mantle, I took the rug outside and beat it. As I straightened up the menus, Thomas cleaned each of the chess pieces thoroughly. We dusted and fluffed all the pillows on the couch. While we shimmied our cloths around the spirals of the candelabra I couldn't help but think what an enriching experience this work this was.
Shortly thereafter we scrubbed the floor together. I made sure to make the area in which thee were sitting
extra slippery in the feeble hope that you would slip and break your neck, alas, no luck. shine as gloriously as the Richter Crest!
After a brave attempt at scrubbing out the mouths of the bear rugs Kado showed up and dumped a handful of stinky fish all over the floor... so we scrubbed it again. I can swear by Higher Being's teeth that the second time around proved to be just as much fun as the first washing.

Several agonizing hours of cleaning later, the Goblin was finally primed and polished enough to earn your prestigious seal of approval.
At your service and under your benevolent jurisdiction as always,*Inked so darkly and forcefully the quill has ripped through the parchment in some areas*Leander Le Blanc,
Company Arcanist