You have been working hard recently and such work has been noted, carry on at this rate and you will soon be working up the ranks. So here is your first trial.Patrolling the DungeonsYou are to lead a patrol to one of the following dungeons, the choice is yours. Despise, Covetous or Shame.
- You must take along at least 4 other Guardsmen
- You must reach the lowest level of the dungeon and kill the strongest beast there.
- Your report must contain a picture of the above feat
- You are to bring back 10,000 gold
Entertaining the TroopsYou are to arrange a suitable non-uniformed event for the Guardsmen to attend either in the tavern, market square or main town centre. The event can be anything of your choice and can be something such as a song contest, story telling or games night. Your chance to be original and show some creativity.
- At least 5 other Guardsmen must attend
- The event should last around an hour
Good luck in your tasks recruit.
*signed neatly*
Aliryl Trefynwyd