Plague Scare!
Monday the 23rd of mai, an important task was carried out by the covian militia: The extermination of all rats in cove and the destruction of the orc fortress to prevent further invasions of rats from that filthy fort! Thus the threat of plague was exterminated and the orc presence in cove severly weakened as their entire camp was wiped out.
Guardsmen in attendance:- Gregor Eason, Commander
- Ryan Greystone, Junior grenadier
- Moon, Guardsman recruit
- Zell Dencht, Guardsman recruit
- Marie le Blanc, Guardswoman recruit
- Kal Shadowhand, Watchman
- Arc, Corporal
- Arch, Guardsman recruit
- Fredrick Grail, Guardsman recruit
- John Dell, Junior guardsman
Giving instructions to the militia...Firstly, I ordered the assembled militiamen to split into groups of two militiamen each... Then these groups were send inside cove town to eliminate the rat threat. After having inspected the handiwork of the lads and lasses I then ordered them forward to the orc fort! It was to be burned down, to pre-emptivly strike agains the plague threat...
To the orc fort!Outside the fort we prepared ourselves for the oncoming battle and we split into two groups, one led by corporal Arc and the other led by junior grenadier Ryan Greystone... We slew countless orcs and we let none in our path survive... The fort was dutifully cleansed and then set on fire with exploding potions, oil and torches.
Fire in the Hall!We then fought our way back outside, mopping up the rest of the orc survivors, then proceeding to burn the two towers just outside the now smoldering fortress. Arc using his fiery spells to burn down one of the towers...We then marched back to cove were a monk had prepared a desinfecting bath for us... Each guardsman had to spend 10 minutes at least in this bath to eliminate the disease threat to the men and women participating in this operation.
The bath prepared by the monk...Mission successful sir!
Your devoted servant
Watchman Delcarakdur