Leading: Aliryl Trefynwyd, Scout Corporal
Delferium, Junior Grenadier, relieved the Corporal and led the sentry
Thomas Aylmer, Watchman
Rita Whalebiter, Watchman
Ruby Whalebiter, Recruit, drill only
Kelban Longleaf, Recruit
Jasper Boltshot, Recruit, sentry only
Marcello Roofus, former Recruit
Corporal Trefynwyd gathered up a few o' the watchmen an' recruits on the eve o' the twenty-second t' drill us on proper behaviour an' procedure durin' line-ups.
After takin' our sashes-- which were the basis o' plen'y o' whinging-- an' promisin' nay t'give 'em back 'til we proove ourselves worthy o' the honour o' wearin' 'em, she ran us through a few basic postures an' maneuvers: standin' t' attention, standin' at ease, turnin' as one, an' so on. After some practise we looked a mile sharper. We were also lectured on a few other points:
- Nay talkin' in line 'less spoken to by an officer. We're t'raise our hands if we've somethin' t'say.
- We're t' arrive at parade with all our gear. It slows up th' whole group, otherwise.
- We're t' ask before joinin' a line.
Corporal Trefynwyd were runnin' as tight a ship as usual, tossin' one recruit out for bein' both utterly rubbish an' speakin' all kinds of treachery t' boot. The rest o' us were given our sashes back.
Next we were t'head out t'the borders o' the Shire and gather up wood an' hides with which t'build a sentry at the barracks entrance.
We built up the walls thick an' high, an' blocked off the entrance with a proper door a commoner'd made up fer us. We held the sentry thoughout the night. As there'd been so much drow an' vampire activity 'round Cove lately, Junior Delferium took th' opportunity t'perform security checks on civilians who passed by, askin' 'em questions and requirin' 'em t'touch some silver he had. He turned up nothin', and otherwise it were a quiet night, aside from a Vesperian tryin' t'gain access to the barracks with trickery an' riddles-- which we were havin' none of.
*signed*R Whalebiter