Led by: Roland Dagorian
Attended by:
Faden Wildheart
Louis Calavera
Demarian Tel'var
Jenifer Feather
Aliryl Trefenwyd
Darek Milako
Tyreal Styx
Torrak Keres
Mizhuo Kazami, Civilian
Segallion, Gargoyle Guide
*A copy is sent to Commander Raiden*
My Lord Preceptor,
The rumour of this new land hath proved sadly correct. I led an expedition to the Isle of the Avatar and an entrance was discovered near the volcano. A gargoyle awaited, known to Guardsman Tel'Var. This gargoyle offered to guide us. Mine instinct was to slay it where it foully stood, but decided to use it's knowledge of this foul Stygian Abyss for our own ends. Wary of treachery, we let it lead us. We gained entrance to this abyss after much effort. It doth be a strange land, with much evidence of wytchcraft. We encountered some undead but put them to the sword. Many mysteries greeted us, such as an abyss of stars. We did discover an ankh, mayhaps this land hath not fallen entirely to the Guardian? We did not discover the home of these gargoyles but a further expedition shall alloweth us to venture deeper. A civilian joined us, an elf, and proved to be undisciplined and incapable of following orders.
In Nomini Deus,
Roland Dagorian
Templar* 10 Church Regard awarded to all who came*