People of Cove,
The Church shalleth be recruiting those faithful Covians into it's ranks on Thursday after Mass (7.30 PM). Those who art called may join the ranks of the Templi Order, the Priesthood or the Witch Hunters. Those who serveth already, be it in the Army or the citizenry may also serve. This service shall not interfere with their regular duties in the Army or the citizenry, it shalleth be as when needed.
For those Guardsmen who wisheth to show their zeal and protect Cove from the evils of the Guardian, the Church Guardsmen shall be formed. The The Church Guardsmen shalleth aid the Templi on quests of most vital import. Church Guardsmen who proveth themselves shalleth ascend to Templi Guardsmen.
For the guardsmen and citizenry who wisheth to serve more covertly, a place hath been prepared in the Witch Hunters. Scouring both the wilds and the town for signs of heresy, the Witch Hunters doth serve as the Church's eyes and ears. Witch Hunters who thusly proveth themselves shalleth be elevated to the Inquisition.
For those unsuited for such roles, a place existeth within the Church Circle. These Church Devotees shalleth aid the Priesthood, be it in providing supplies or in passing on concerns and helping the Priesthood manage the Church. Those Devotees who proveth themselves pious indeed shall be elevated to Church Elder.
I shall be inducting the Faithful after Thursday's Mass.
In Nomini Deus,
Roland Dagorian
Templar(OOC: For more information on how the army and citizenship can become part of the Church without making a church character, this link in the announcements section and the church board should explain.,13280.0.htmlFor those interested in joining the Church properly as either a Templi, a priest or a witch hunter, please follow this link.,13251.0.html Either PM me or icq 97154187 to apply or to ask any questions)