Feathers for the Scouts
Led By Watchman: Kelban Longleaf
Attended By:
Officer Cadet: Pickles
Junior Arcanist: Thomas
Watchman: Bersi -
Who had to leave after setting outAfter helping the Yewish with a Vespern attack we were dissmissed at the Barracks when Officer Cadet Darek had me take the line for my task. Only two stayed so I filled them in on what it was I had to do and soon asked Juniot Tomas for a Portal to a public Portal.

Once there we headed to the Mountain pass that lead they build their nest but while on the way some of the Bloodi faeries there took a disliken to me and desided to make it known that I was not welcome in their woods. After gathering my things we headed to the pass and began to work.
The harpies as usual was not happy we were there and come at us all at once only to see the ground as their resting place. But soon after the Golden ones seem to take a fancy to Miss Pickles and flocked over to her quickly, Glad my bandages were up for the task of keeping her up as I did not want to feel Junior Tomas's rath if she would have fallen.

After some time had gone by I asked for a Feather count then ordered a Fall back to the entrance where I placed all the gold down on the ground as I was carrying a full pack of feathers my self. Back at the Barracks the feathers were pilled up for a final count and we collected more than what was Ordered by my new Mentor Jennifer Feather.

I then told Miss Pickles and Mister Tomas that they could split the gold and dissmissed them. I then took up the feathers and headed of for the Scouts Tower to place the feathers. Once there I added the feathers to the Crate where the others were kept.

After placing the feather I sat back thinking about how good it is to have such a nice Mentor and look forward for more tasks set up for me as it all will keep me sharp for future Battles and Missions.
Thank you Miss Jennifer Feathers for stepping up and taking me on I will not let you or Miss Aliryl down from the moment on.
Signed Watchman: Kelban Longleaf