*a Large file folder set on the Commanders desk*
Sentry ReportMedical Log: Amon BlackmontDebreiffInterrogation Session.
Arrest Report:
To, who it may Concern.
By: Heather Yealing, Recruit
It wasnt long after the Recruit stumbled in that Elizabeth and i went out. when we searched we were in uniform i couldnt get it out of my head. so i went to Britten in Plain Cloths. it didnt take long bar hopping befor i saw him in a old covian suit just as reported. we sat and he talked to me about genral things at first i told him i was a Free lance worker. Confident that this was my man when he mentioned he was a free lance worker not a covian, i was happy to give him a Fake background telling him i was responcible for the Yew Mill Massacer. he seemed impressed by such and asked me to go downstairs to talk about a job. when downstairs he gave me few details, but id be transphering a prisioner of his, he told me it was a covian and that if cove found out we would send a mass number aginst us four (Me Him and two others of my choice come job time) he Offered me two Hundred thousend gold to do the job. i gave him an upercut and drew my sword. i told him he was under arrest in the name of Cove for Kidnaping and Impersinating a Guard. i moved him into a small room chained and called for an Arcainest to come help me get him to cove. once there it was simple. to get him locked up and have Kelly Sanderson aware of the Situation. my job was done i proceeded to Debreiffing
-Heather Yearling, Recruit
p.s. Kelly will most likely have a follow up report i will add to this file