Leading:Keitaro Kazami, Watchman
AttendingMela Arkay, Senior Scout
Gabriel Drachen, Junior Guardsman
Me'an Silen, Watchman
Watchman Keitaro seemed quite bored so he arranged a hunt to go kill what he called "A fire bunny". I bit and figured it must be something the size of a panda so it must be dangerous. So we took off to the moongate and headed towards Takuno to tackle this beast!!
"Lining up at the GateWe setoff into the mountains of Tokuno and met a few unwelcome visitors in the forms of Fire Elementals and fire breathing lizards (Not dragons). And soon we found our target.....
"But it was sooooo Cuuuttee!!"We all jumped on the cute little ball of fire fluff and went to taking it down. A Grand Covian victory......over a small woodland critter....Best we not tell Yew about this one.
"Apparently Watchman Keitaro mistook the rabbit for a Vesperian Pleasure girl"After this we setoff to find a creature Keitaro called "An Oni". We spanned the forests of Tokuno but were only able to find lizard birds.
"Tastes like chicken...hits like an Ogre""But we got it!Getting ready to give up our search we soon discovered an Oni. a viciour looking theing reminiscent of Hoagie going weeks without a shave! We tackled the creature and it's Ninja assistant and soon won the day!
"Ugly thing....The Oni not HoagieWe returned back and set out our booty. All in all we collected 14,936 gold for the Kingdom's coffers
Signed:Gabriel Drachen