Greetings my liege,
I fear you must take a note of what has occured in Cove recently, my lord. The woman known as Aliryl, scout Corporal has been most troublesome, I have send however a letter to the Commander but as of yet I have not recieved a reply, it has nearly been a week my lord.
I have a copy of the letter here, it is beyond me why he would not deal with such accusations so I leave the contents in your hands Baron.
*The copy of the letter*
Commander, my name is Kiran, I am sure you have heard of me.
I am not here to claim my own innocence, my past is full of evil deeds and past remorse and ill doings, however in Cove I have as a changed and more wise man become a citizen, a bailiff if you like, working for the Baron to collect taxes, upon working in my office I have been assaulted four times by Covians, tortured and maimed, all on the decree of a Aliryl of the scouts.. the reasons I claim this I will reveal in this report, I hope you can spare me the many minutes it will take to read this report.
The current strife between myself and Aliryl been the talk of town, however as it is not for me to cause a rift in the officers of Cove, I believe it is now or never I reveal what I have learned over the last months within Cove... I know it isn't unusual for someone to claim they are in knowledge to condem someone else, but I think the sketches and reports I have made and recieved are for you to take seriously, this is because inside your army the woman known as Aliryl Trewyned is unfit to lead as an officer let alone as a human being.
I bring you this sketch of me only this week sitting down to hopefully order a quiet pint when two men spoke of the women in question. I believe when the regular army folk speak of someone in this manner, it is time for people who have information to stand up. I know there is alot to read, but I think I have evidence to prove why what these noble long standing men of Cove are saying is true. If you will dwelve deeper into this report, Commander..
My first suspicion of Aliryl's corruption and blattant thug use was some weeks back when I was assaulted in the Green Goblin.
This man, known as Me'an was the man in question whom assaulted me, maimed me and left me bleeding on the floor, not only afterwards stealing coins from me, which were to go to the Baron. The man claims he did it for rebelion against the taxes of Cove, but why would such a man then afterwards strike down a innocent healer? I am sure you know of the report of when Maddeline, wife of Van Cocidos was struck down by the same black hooded individual.
There as another time the same man struck.
Here you see a bouncer of the Green Goblin struck down, name of Maccen, he can testify to this report being true, Commander. Now, you might ask yourself, how do I know this man is Me'an, or rather one of them? The words came from his own mouth only recently, as if bragging about maiming a man of the Baronial household was something of pride? This report was given to me by Edward, recruit, Darwin also whom is a tax collector can verify what occured that afternoon.
*Copy of a letter send to the Baron of Cove.*
As you can see, the information I provided is based on his own words. I am unsure if you knew of him doing this, I hope you were not as he is guilty of assaulting Maddeline not to mention Maccen, causing severe wounds. My curiousity was a bit rilled by now as you might understand, commander, the man in question having done this, however not been dealt with. I am speaking of punishment, not to mention severe ones for what he done to citizens of Cove, I hope you begin to understand commander why my worry has risen with all these new reports and information regarding this Me'an. But, how exactly is he then linked to the woman in question, Corporal Aliryl of the scouts. Well, Commander, let me draw upon another source, a man known as Kelban, now Kal Shadowhand, self proclaimed Viper of Cove. What exactly does this man have to do with anything?
As I hope you are aware, Kal Shadowhand is a scout and also a man who have overseen the torture of a citizen of Cove. I hope once more this wasn't done at your approval, but here is a reccolection of what I recall from that evening, Commander.
I will note you lifting a eyebrow as you read the word brotherhood, a name which has been spread around alot in recent days. I will come to the explanation of why my men whom are tax officers use this word in turn when we speak of one another. I will put your mind at ease with saying it is merely a name in which we use to define ourselfs to one another. As we are members of the Barons Household we find ourselfs connected through bonds as your own Grenadiers are, however let me go back to the case concerning Aliryl.
As you can see, I was taken away from Cove, tortured and questioned under the supervision of Kal Shadowhand. I would like to say I can remember more of the day, however i was fed medicines and potions to absolve that... That is all I can recall however. Now, you recall commander earlier I spoke of Kal as the man who "infiltrated" the brotherhood, claiming all sorts yet never showing proof? I know they are desperate to find anything on me, however the torture of a man I hope without your consent in a foreign town is criminal to say the least. Especially considering they are looking for evidence, yet unable to prove anything. How exactly do I link this individual to Aliryl, well commander if you will only look that he also is a scout, he also, like Me'an, was part of maiming myself it only shows more of a link they have through the scouts. Also it seems odd to me, the man Kal was able to pay twice ten thousand coins in taxes towards himself and Cor'vani without flinching. Some kind of illegal background is sure to be going on. However that is only speculation and you can ignore it as I do not have proof to say he is a criminal, except the words of my assosicates to claim he worked for a man in Tokuno as a profesional assassin. But again, this is without proof or evidence sadly.
*Copy of a report, headlined "ten thousand coins, again.*
I would like to draw your eyes to another report however Commander of another man whom I believe is involved in this corruption of command, I speak of a Darek Milako. As you are aware he is currently within your own Grenadiers, thus a man who you would normally think highly of. I would like to point out all my charges concerning Me'an, Kal, and also Darek here are not the ones to note yet, but only of what they have to do with the woman Aliryl. Please bear with me as I reveal more, Commander.
The woman known as Anna-Jones, known treasure hunter and upstanding member of the Covian community came to me, with her current boyfriend Vaughn Goodwill , Watchman currently, also a good man of Cove. both of them came to my office, as you can see, once more the mention of the brotherhood is brought up, once more it has to do with taxation and working within the office of the Baron of Cove, however what I would like to draw your attention to is the corrupt way of Darek Milako. The way he has schemed and lied to make sure his nephew Gregory Milako is not arrested. This has gone so far that he has attached himself to Aliryl's group of people who wish to see myself and other men whom work for the baron tortured and in the end murdered. However they are fearful commander, they will both testify to this. They are fearful if they say anything Milako and Aliryl will come for them, with threats and more. I have included this bit so you can see how even the lower ranks and commoners fear these people, let alone Aliryl. They protect one another and lie, as I can refer you to the case of Me'an whom was only given community service for his crimes. Or Kal whom has recieved no notice concerning his hopefully unlawful torturing methods within Yew upon myself. Which I hope once more you did not order done.
Why is it I keep claiming that Aliryl wishes for my men to be tortured, once more I must refer you to evidence presented by one of her men. I hope you will keep his name safe as I believe Aliryl might kill him in retaliation if she found out, as she nearly hoped to do with Olchafa, but only via insulting his name and honour.
As you can see, she is openly solicying the use of torture to gather information. As I understand it from Juniour guardsman Gabriel Drachen this is why himself and senior guardsman Mela Arkay left the scouts. Due to the way she has led and bled the scouts dry of all the old and real legends of Cove, including Olchafa. I am sure you are more then aware of her slanderous ways in which she condemned him? Yet in all this time no proof has been shown, I have copies of the letters if you would like to view them, but I am certain many of them were send to you. Not to mention the posters placed around Cove in regards to her paranoid ways.
Also on that report you can see she wishes to torture someone in specific, I draw your attention to Kas, senior arcanist. She has no evidence but words of people who are known torturers and thugs within Cove, yet she wishes to torture this man for hopeful evidence he might give, or rather, make him sing for her, as you are probably aware with your vast experience concerning torture as a man of the army, most men or indeed women will say anything to make the pain stop, let alone lie
Again to further my proof that these men are thugs not men fit to bear uniform nor the skin of a normal human being, here are some small extracts in which my men have seen or heard these so called scouts put shame to the uniform of Cove.
This is where it all started, Commander, when I accused her openly some month back for the crimes commited by her, since then I have been plauged as you can see by her thugs and men whom wish to cover her dirty buisness. Darek as you can see on one sketch taunting me, herself openly making it known she hates me.. Back then I had little to show certainly except the fact she is the one whom work with all the men I have mentioned previously. However, here is something worth noting, Commander. A extract from a report given to me by Edward after Olchafa was dismissed
I wasn't aware when this report was given in exactly what Me'an was arrested for and why it needed Aliryl's protection, however we are both now aware it is to do with the mutilation of myself and the assault on two known citizens in Cove, I am unsure how many more he hurt working for Aliryl, but I am sure there are more. Again, this I can't prove so do not think on it, commander.
As you can also see from the buttom bit, she spoke to Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant of the Covian army, and even the sergeant, a fellow officer, was skeptical concerning the reasons for Olchafa's dismissal, and also the method in which it was used, however you can note how she used this to try win the Sergeant over on her side, more people to join in the blatant corruption of Cove.
*Copy of a report*In light of the recent trouble we've had with the Light Company I wrote and sent the following letter....
To whomever it may concern,
I write to you in regard to Olchafa Serpernt's recent incarceration. The man has been at the bottom of a bottle ever since the event took place and I was at liberty to hear his woes. I feel I must echo the sentiments raised by various members of Cove over the last week, he is an innocent man. I imagine that your first reaction upon reading this would naturally be righteous indignation, after all wasn't it Serpernt who was arrested and accused alongside myself not so long ago...? It was. We were supposedly to blame for the vicious Mill Massacre which occurred around the time of Britain Moot. However it's important to note that we were both released, albeit having admitted a tender criminal association with Kiran (who was also implicated in these crimes).
Under what pretence has Serpernt been stripped of his position within the Light Company...? If I am to believe his word, and I do, it is on the basis of a report of his supposed fraternity with a newly nefarious gang headed by Kiran. This is a complete nonsense. I am a good friend of Olchafa and can speak highly of his moral code, a code which he lives by and believes in most fervently. It is true we have both been in the company of Kiran since he moved into Cove, but this is a kindness we would impart upon any new arrival. Our relations with him outside of this relates directly to the office of the Baron since we have agreed to become agents of Covian taxation. I admit this is currently an unpopular position but nonetheless one of distinct legality.
As for the "gang" itself I am at a loss to understand the information. A few people have been gathering with Kiran (myself included) to discuss possible plans for entertainment inside the Goblin, but that is all. Neither of us wish to travel old roads, both Serpernt and myself are well aware how much trouble we got into for our previous indiscretions with Kiran. Thankfully it was made clear that we were only party to petty crimes and were not involved with the situation in Yew. Regardless, we learned our lesson and will continue to abide by it.
In conclusion I can only assume that the esteemed head of the Light Company, Aliryl Trefynwyd, has become the victim of her own position. It cannot be easy being the eyes and ears, forever dealing in shadowed threats to our beloved Cove. In general I cannot fault her work, indeed I know very little of it, but in this case I fear she has been consumed by a great deal of paranoia. How else are we to explain the dressing down of one of the Baronship's oldest and most loyal members....? Certainly Kiran is in the frame and suspicion has arisen, but surely a woman of her calibre can differentiate between a harmless professional relationship and a criminal plot.
If she cannot then I hesitate to suggest that it is not Olchafa who should be removed from the Light Company but the lady herself. Clearly if we begin to charge innocent men then her judgement is beginning to flag. It is regrettable but thoroughly understandable, after all, it is a terribly terribly difficult job to do correctly. As a side note don't we, the people and guardsmen of Cove, deserve someone more capable of fulfilling the task of intelligence gathering....?
I live in the hope that Serpernt will soon be returned to his prior position with the Scouts and that this unfortunate affair can be put behind us. At the end of the day, everyone makes mistakes, even superiors.
With all respect,
Senior Arcanist Kas Valentine.
I've since received a response at my tower to the tune of.....
Arcanist Valentine,
I sympathise and understand your feelings in this matter. I must admit, some of my thoughts are shared with you. I feel compelled to remind you that Olchafa is also in my mind a great server of the Baron.
If evidence is not served on our desks very soon, I shall be taking this matter further to question whether the Light Infantry had the actual grounds to strip Olchafa of his rank. Innocent until proven guilty.
I hope you are well,
Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant
This is a letter Kas send by his own accord due to Olchafa's mistreatment, the reason I am giving you the reply you can see here how the Sergeant I mentioned before is also dubious of the nature of Aliryl, it is not often I presume a member of the officers would agree with a man of the main bulk on the fault of a fellow officer.
I know so far it is alot of reports, Commander, however I hope you are able to atleast help me concerning the dubious nature of the woman who is your supposed eyes and ears of Cove. So far she has had removed old members of the scouts, only Kal, a man of low morale as proven in previous reports stayed in the scouts.
I hope this report reaches you in good health, I know it was a long read, however I am positive if nothing is done soon, your own men and women from beneath you will be taken and turned to her ends.
I have witnesses willing, many of them who came to me for aid concerning it, who will speak to you personally if you need any information given. Currently my life and that of my men is why I have written this letter, they wish to take us in, torture us and then when they made us swear false statements, make sure our bodies are never found. Commander, you are my only hope.
I hope you will hear from me again commander, as I do not wish to die due to only doing my job as a bailiff, or that as a Covian citizen.
Yours in a depserate need and plea. [/center]
Kiran, Bailiff of Cove.
*Other signatures attached*Anna-Jones.
Vaughn Goodwill
Olchafa Serpernt
Hadnan Kadere.
Kas *This one seems more flamboyant then the rest*
Jackal Verilax,*Small bit at the buttom*
As you can see my lordship, rather troublesome news indeed. I hope perhaps if you involved yourself in the matter, I know with your busy schedule such might be impossible, but I would love for this crisis not to lie silent. Thank you as always for your time my lord Baron.
Your servant and Bailif.