Wit awl the reasent Bandit acctivaties aroun' Cove I set oot ter scout aroun' Cove. I started ter the north and thar was one o' them Giant Spiders 'eaden for the road, so I knocked et down.
I then 'eaded north ter the furthest outpost ter the North o' em Cove ter foind ef awl clear bu' one thin' puzzled meh, Thar was this smell tha' meh knew and then meh knew somethin' was nay roit after awl.
Afta loo'in' aroun' fer a few moments meh desided ter 'ead em on back ter the Barracks when et 'appened them briggans jess appeared roit en fron' o' meh.
Afta a few moments o' ducken an' dodgen meh foinally go' the uppeh 'and and deffeted them Blokes.
I then returned ter them Barracks ter report et ter the 'ighest rankin' Officeh Regular Guardsman, Tiberius.