Whilst I was laying down a banner in Luna, I overheard the town crier giving out the recent news and she seemed most upset. I wandered over to hear what she had to say.
What I heard was quite distressing to say the least, so I headed off straightaway to speak to Professor Wilson at the Moonglow Zoo. I had not been there for some years now but always enjoyed the visit to see the rare creatures.
Upon reaching the zoo, I sought out the professor and asked him what was all the commotion about.
When I heard what he had to tell me I was very worried. The effects this could have were extreme and could mean a disaster for all of us, it could easily spell a famine for not just Cove but everywhere in Sosaria. I do not believe people are fully aware of the threat of these birds and certainly not that they are eating Humans.
I asked him what was to be done about this new threat and how best to cull these monster turkeys.
The professor gave me a brush with which to use on any scraps of map that were found whilst killing these beasts. Though I know I alone could not hope to bring down one of these birds, I just hope someone will read this report and organise a proper hunt to help destroy them.
Gilraen daughter of Belegorn