In attendance:
Sergio Jarrett
While sitting at the barracks earlier today Bersi sent out a message to available guardsmen to report with a pair of scissors and a dagger and left it at that. Upon arrival we were told that we were off to Yew to give there sheep hair cuts and return them to the yewish. After rounding up all the sheep and sheering them Cor'Vani making friends with a local dog it was time to bid our new found woolie friends a fond farewell and turn them over to the Yewish for there eventual molestation and horrible treatment.
Upon entering stonekeep we met one of there trainees and told him our intentions of escorting their sheep back to them like the good people we are and that we were happy to help.
The sheep were over joyed to be returned home but the trainee didn't welcome them back with open arms, perhaps he didn't like there haircuts or he didn't recognize the animals. Either way he began to slaughter the helpless creatures.
After trying to tax us and making the outrageous accusation that we were witches we decided to leave knowing that we had done the right thing even if they didn't know it.
With our task complete we were dismissed.
Sergio Jarrett