On my tour around the many moongates of this world, placing banners down wherever I could in order to advertise the glory of our beloved Baronship of Cove, I realised there were, on the odd occasion, pedestals placed in certain towns. Now, pedestals are not to be considered by themselves, as they are but a simple device made to accentuate and emphasise the importance of what is placed upon them. In these cases, I found what has been named "The Bell of Courage" to be placed upon the aforementioned pedestals.
Now, I myself am not sure that these bells placed on the pedestals were each to themselves "The Bell of Courage" as, from the name, it can be deduced that there possibly only one true artifact of this name. However, placed upon each pedestal seems to be a symbol of sorts in replica form. More precisely, a symbol of those towns plagued with siege of time past, and of survival through these times of peril. Our own Cove is the first town where I noticed one of these symbols, though sitting in the middle of the snow in my own birthplace of Minoc, I discovered another. We must all take care to remember the toil and burdens of our predecessors, and that we should be grateful to them for what we have now. With their wisdom, and the inherited blessings, we should strive to create a better world in this new age.
As for the actual Bell of Courage, I have done some research into the matter and found that, though it is an item of great importance, it itself is but a symbol. A symbol for the principle of Courage. Without a blessing of any sort of magic upon it, its ringing strikes deeply into the hearts of people of this world, and any foe would find the crystalline reverberation striking fear within them. This fear, simply derived from the understanding of what true Courage is.
We of Cove must ourselves understand this, and use this wisdom to our advantage such that all, foes and friends alike, may see that we are the same true and mighty force that we have proven ourselves to be in the past.
*Signed boldly* Alfred Bohr