A somewhat safe jog through KarnaughLeading:Lucas Drachen, Junior Grenadier
Attending:Ilyana, Arcanist Corporal
Torrak Keres, Commander
Keane Wakefield, Officer Cadet
Alfred Bohr, Guardsman Recruit
Sergio Jarret, Regular Scout
Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist
Leander Le Blanc, Junior Guardsman
Veronica Tillian, Guardsman Recruit
Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Guardsman Recruit
The Task:Heading straight from Parade, The Army in it's Glory took off to The Pass of Karnaugh to trounce through it's dangerous passageways. Travelling through the forests to the western entrance we faced many creatures. Titans and Golden Ettins being the brunt of it, As well as one Demon Tree. We soon approached the entrance to The Fortress of Karnaugh.
"The Entrance is not as guarded as it once was"The Army smashed through Karnaugh with more ease than we once did. Teamwork was well inspired.
Because they would be shot if they didn't work together.Suffering only a few injuries, a recruit with a stubbed toe and a Scout with nausea. We made it through The Fortress without a single soldier losing ONE piece of equipment.
"Likeling the only sketch you will see Post Karnaugh where everyone is still in uniform"Satisfied with our successful Exit. We assumed The Infamous "Covian Diamond" formation before hoofing it back to The Compassion Moongate and returns to Cove.
"Slightly Less Infamous Then The Smiley Formation"The Result:Gold: 50,000
Deaths: 0
Injuries: 1 Stubbed Toe, 1 Case of The Squirts(
Signed,Lucas Drachen, Junior Grenadier