*A report is pinned to the top corner of the canvas*
Thomas aggressively decided for me that I should paint his portrait that will hang in the Arcanist HQ forever, or until it gets blown up anyway. Reluctantly I agreed. I do like to paint as evidenced by one: my picture of retired Commander Raiden Morana and two: my colorful reports; so I asked myself— “how hard can this be?”.
Pretty hard.
Alackaday! I decided that I would paint a master piece something that really sums up Thomas, but to be an artist is to be a TORTURED SOUL. So I set to work, scouting Cove for inspiration and agonizing over my painters block in various locations. Then I had to go to Yew of all places and steal some chicken eggs to make paints. When I first created his portrait it looked sort of like he was wearing a violet dress— see my report sketches. Finally, the muse spoke to me! She appeared to me in the form of a llama wearing a Covian cap and she filled my paintbrush with inspiration. I was able to capture the arcanist is his “
HRRRRAAAAH” pose, notice how he has flexed his arm whilst conjuring a great fire in his hand. I put a few explanatory notes on the painting with arrows. Coupled with oil on canvas, I feel this can better illuminate the
In a vision of dashing and resplendent originality I have appropriately titled the piece
Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist, (but you must say it with a Skara Braen accent.) And now I shall throw my easel and paints out my window and never paint again, flame striking things is far more entertaining and profitable!
*signed messily with a paint brush*
Leander Le Blanc,
Junior Guardsman