Anari sits down next to the fire to try and dry of while writing on some rough partchment...Millitia Present,
Watchman, Regdar
Guardsman Recruit, Lestat
As t' grea' for'ifications were se' up in Cove, I led a pa'rol around Cove ter look fer dangers tha' migh' 'ave i's sigh's on Cove. When we star'ed t' pa'rol all was qui'e'... In fac' t' mos' in'eres'in thin' we found was a rock covered in wha' I called a' t' time "Blue stuff" which I la'er found ou' t' be wa'er...
Anari slaps his forehead as he thinks to himself how stupid he must have been not to have realised it was water...After tha' everyone needed t' go ! I mean everyone ! - Regdar wen' firs' then Lestat abou' five minu'es af'er ! Bu' never one t' be dis'ear'ened I wen' on alone t' finish t' pa'rol...
I wen' on a lil' further an' found several wa'er elemen'als !! They were floa'in' around an' causin' 'avoc...
And splashing water all over me thinks Anari... So I pulled ou' meh war axe an' showed 'em 'oo is boss ! In to'al i saw three of t' buggers...
They weren' too much 'assle... jus' bloodeh we' s'all !!
Anari, Watchman, Covian Millitia