We formed outside the church, after mass, in front of Corporal Arc. He said he had a task for watchman Morgoth and the recruits. He explained to us that we had to make our way to yew where we would capture a solen queen.
A few minutes later we were all armed and set to go, Myself, Calico Kate, Byron Wolfshelm, Morgoth, Vince Valentine, Deen Bor, and Cor Ari Ta. we stood ready above the whole that would lead us to the queen and her army, Arc prepared the rope...
We entered the dungeon and immediately began fiercely fighting through red solen warriors. we edged slowly through the dungeon, slicing through solen warriors.. unfortunately as we made our way towards the queen Cor Ari Ta was knocked down, but regained her pride further on into the dungeon.
Due to business elsewhere i had to leave the hunt at this point... good luck to the rest of you!