Arkonios Guardsman Recruit.
Early this morning I Took a small trip dow'n to ther Orc Fort. I avnt' bin down ther' before so i thought i'd give them orcs summit to talk about. In the half an hour or so i was ther' i managed to collect a tidy sum' o' gold fer the Baronship and slay some of the beasties that terrorise Cove.
On the way back I checked in the City to see' if everything wer' okay. Gates and docks all clear. Apart from the stray dogs and the rats all seemed to be okay.
Wandered up to North Tower. Nothing unusual.
Then marched back up to the barracks and ad' a quick nap.
OOC: Apologies for my dress colours.(Leader suit from Capture Base Last night) I need clothes re dyed. *Smiles*