*Neatly written report sent to the Corporal*I have completed the task in which you set forth for me to do. It was indeed a bit of a late night run, so i gathered my fellow night guardsmen and set out to New Haven and Luna to litter the streets with Banners for new Recruits! i have also sent in proof of the adventure. those that came are as follows:
Regular Guardsman Jassi Cowin
Watchman Nicholae SorinGuardsman Jassi Cowin neglected to inform me that he had other duties prior to aiding me in my mission, so he left before we could even set out any banners, and also proved that he could not follow proper orders in obtaining the materials needed. A good wack on the head with a staff or two helped the situation greatly.
Watchman Nicholae Sorin proved to be of great help, and excellent at listening to instructions. Together we were able to place all ten banners.
During the mission it seems we came across a Bearfiltraitor...as Watchman Sorin stated and quickly dispatched it.
Together we made sure that everyone knew, to join the Covian Ranks, would be the highest honor above all else.
Watchman Avalynn Vale