Mid afternoon found Calico crouched in the churches side yard spying on a deadie.
After the tactical training lead by Valiro in Cove, most of the participants decided to head back to the barracks for some dueling in the ring. One the way Calico had run into the deaddie as he was making a mess of the church lawn. Rather than let him continue the guardsman had ordered him to stop what he was doing, and disarm.
The undead had fused, they always do, and the two of them chased each other around cove for a time. Calico knew she had injured the undead monster, or had though she had. Stepping back into the shadows of the trees she waited till he gave up looking for her, then followed him to see what he would do.
That was why she was crouched in the side yard, flattening herself again the the wall risking the occasionally peek out at the undead. He seemed to have just gone straight back to his task of desecrating the church's lawn.
Enough is enough already...With that though she slunk out of her hiding place till she was behind the monster, making her presence known by sliding her cutlass across the throat from behind. The stench of rotting flesh was almost over powering this close, and she gagged a few times before managing to speak.
"I thought I told yer ta cut it out an' be gone!"
The undead's only response to her threat and the sword at his neck was to hiss and try to turn around and look at her. Calico sidestepped, keeping out of the creatures reach, but keeping her blade at his neck.
"Come on or I'll jest lop off yer head!"
He glowered at her, at least, that was the impression she got from the rotting visage of the undead monster.
"That will nyss kill mess."
"Aight, fine, then what would?" She tried to sound cocky, but some thing in his tone was unnerving.
"Nyss know.... wisssh mess didsss. Nowsss, remove the knifesss!"
There was something almost forlorn in the undead's words... at first. Calico winced at the growl coming from the thing. "I ain't lettin' dangerous, creepy lookin' thing like yerself run around 'ere." She mimicked his hissing sounds back at him sarcastically pressing more pointedly with her blade.
"Bah! Mess mussst do what mess must dosss..." He leaned towards her hissing menacingly.
"Who sent ye? hu?"
"Why can'tssss it ssssee? issss it blindss?"
Calico hesitated, puzzled by the answer.
The damned things nuts, figures... She attacked then, deciding that there was nothing else useful she was going to be getting out of the monster. Despite her initial advantage the undead nearly bested her, and Calico was shortly forced to flee.
The undead thing and Calico played cat and mouse all around the church yard and the barracks lawn till finally watchman Joey noticed the battle from one of the barracks windows and came out to assist. Between the two of them the guardsmen finally had the monster on the run... but they lost the monsters trail as he disappeared into the mess of undead haunting the grave yard.
As they both paused panting once they were away from the grave yard Joey flashed her a cocky grin. "Yer luck I happened along miss Kate! What was that deaddie up to hu?"
Calico gritted her teeth, and sheathed her cutlass with an irritated sigh. "I'ven't got the foggiest feckin' clue watchman.... dibs on tha report though."
Joey pulled a face at the mention of paperwork, "Less get back to 'em barracks, yer still owe me a duel!"