In attendance:
Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist (leading)
Raiden Harper-Morana, Captain
Eve Somelastname, Senior Guardsman
Sheriam Palmer, Junior Guardsman
Elliot Tyrell, Watchman
Harris McStan, Watchman
Aries Harper-Morana, Lance Corporal
Natalie, Waywatcher
Hestia, Footman
This report took me a few days to turn in, but here it is. The Senior Arcanist, Ilyana took us on a
Wild Goose Chase Adventure to first, Chaos, which she then remembered our destination wasnt Chaos, it was Compassion? We were told she had to locate an Old Document in a place and she needed Meat Shields to do it. We followed her into the Undead infested place and insured she found what she was looking for. I personally have no problem following her anywhere. There was some talk about fashion, more killing of Undead, and finally locating what she was looking for. Personally I thought the place looked like something out of my Uncles basement.
Elliot Tyrell, Watchman