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Author Topic: When I get regular... *Shakes fist*  (Read 2054 times)
Anari/Gareck Hallows
Covian Guardsman
Covian Veteran

Karma: +5/-8
Posts: 324

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« on: July 12, 2005, 06:01:37 pm »

Anari collapses onto a seat at the Barracks, exausted... And begins to write.

Attending Millitia:

Ryan Greystone, Regular Guardsman. (Lead)
Anari, Junior Guardsman
Arkonios, Watchman.

Ryan... Grinds teeth... Made meh an' Arkonios do a series of "tests" today. Bu' I'm pre'y sure i's jus' 'im bein' evil! 'E made us figh' 'uge lizzards, run from one side of t' worl' ter t' other an' make a camp in t' middle of knowhere ter ea' Gazer eyes!!
          We killed all manner o' thin's. We go', Scorpians, Big ol' lizards an' t' odd Gazer too. I' was easeh enough... Bu' i' woul' 'ave been easier if Arkonios 'ad turned up earlier, as 'e only turned up jus' before t' Run.

Some of the beasties they bashed...

Nex' Ryan sen' us ter Luna in Malas an' made us do a run... fark meh ! Tha' run took... fer ever... Me an' Arkonios 'ad teh run from one end of t' worl' ter t' other ! I swear i'! I wen' from floa'in' bridges teh caverns in t' cen're of Sosaria! Bu' t' wors' bi' was... we 'ad ter do i' BARE FOO'!! Scowls...

Anari running across a floating bridge...

Anari in a deep cavern...

Then came a sligh'ly easier, bu' more gruesome task. We 'ad ter make a camp then cook an' ea' Gazer eye!! I think tha' Ryan is disturbed... 'Oo coul' do tha' t' someone?! Shakes head in disbelief... We suceeded, bu' oim scarred fer loif wi' tha' bloodi eye!!

Anari cooking the eye...

Finally we were dismissed... bu' I didn' loik t' way 'e said... fer now. Groans... I can' even think wha' 'e 'as in store fer us nex' toim. Groans again...

Ryan dismissing them... finally...


Anari, Junior Guardsman, Covian Millitia.


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