Afeh bein' dissmissed from our Patrol I went into the shadows to further keep watch on Cove when I 'eard this noise comin' from the Church, I went to see wha' et was when I seen this bein' tha' loo'ed loik a man bu' unloik aneh man I 'ave every seen.
As 'e was makin' 'is strange thin' enfron' o' the Church et was 'ard ter make ou' wha' 'e was sayin' fer thar was a strange Hisss before the word an' afteh the word. I then reallized wha' et was 'e was makin' I then approached this man an' told 'im ter leave, 'e then turned and hisssed at meh so I engaged 'im in battle. Et was goin' goo' till 'e turned on meh and a strange feelin' set over meh an' weekened meh a little, 'e then 'ad meh fer sure bu' meh trainen o' the shadows pulled meh ou'.
Then 'e went back ter maken 'is Shrine.
I went ter em Barracks to see ef thar was any thar tha' coul' 'elp rid the Church o' ets problem, Bu' nay one was able ter 'elp, I then returned ter see ef I may ge' anotheh chance at em when Sergeant Arc sent meh a pigeon askin' meh wha' was wrong, I then sent the pigeon back ter 'im lettin' 'im know wha' was goin' on. Et was bu' a few minutes when the pigeon was sent whan Sergeant Arc arrived at the Church. Sergeant Arc told 'im ter leave and he jess hissed at the Searge when I came ou' of the shadows and told 'im ter do wha' the Searge said. Ter meh surprise the Serge told meh tha' 'e woul' 'andle this foul creature, Tha' 'e deals wit 'is koind awl the toim. So I then stepped aside an' watched Sergeant Arc work, The Serge was excellent, en no toim at awl 'e ran orf tha' foul creature. Sergent Arc then turn an' said( The church woul' 'ave out 'eads ef they see this mess.
I then went abou' cleanin' the mess up before em Churchies coul' see the mess.
Ser Hugo ef ye read this Board I 'ope ye see tha' I be nay tha' bad, An' tha' I der beleave in the Avatars.
Watchman: Cor'Ari Ta