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Author Topic: Kals test for Cori  (Read 2915 times)
Cor Ari Ta
« on: September 08, 2005, 04:37:00 am »

I started orf meh day runnen ta check on meh aninal snares, I came back ta Kals 'ome an' cleaned meh days catch an' then started the fire ta cook et fer meh meal, When et was awl done I sat back ta relax an' enjoy some nicely cooked Mutten. I was abou' finished when Kal come staggeren en, "Looked loik 'e 'ad been battleen a pack o' wolves", 'e shut the door an' loo'ed at meh then said" When are you goin' ta ge' on wit yer dutehs?" When meh showlder ge's better Ser. " Bah yer showlder will nay ge' beter ef ye nay use et" 'e said, B..bu' Ser I been bitten by one o' them Giant Black Spiders, Meh arm still be numb.

'e then loo'ed at meh an' loo'ed at meh 'ard, " I thought ye were Cor'Ari Ta nay Ryan", I then loo'ed up wit a Frown an' asked, Wha' will ye 'ave meh der Ser?. 'e then thought fer a moment then turned a loo'ed at meh, " I wan' ye ta go to Tokuno- Makoto an' 'ead ou' enta the Deasert thar and work yer arm on some of them orcs thar" Aye Ser at once I repliied. I then gathered up meh thin's an' 'eaded ou' fer Tokuno loik 'e said. I go' ta the MoonGate thar en Minoc an' stepped en. I came ou' en Tokuno - Makoto then went towards the deasert.

When I arrived thar them orcs were readeh ta take meh down fer I was now walken on thar land. Meh Kryss was ter 'eaveh fer meh ta wield so I pulled meh dagger an' go' enta meh stance, I was readeh ta see 'ow meh showlder woul' 'old up. The firs' few was 'ard fer meh bu' the more I went the better et felt. One by one them Orcs came at meh an' one by one them Orcs Fell.

I was starten ta feelen better as I went meh ol' showlder was less as numb before I started. en fact I was koinda loiken the feelen I ge' when I see Orc blood runnen free loik the rivers an' streems. Meh thirst fer seein' Orc blood was then quinched, I meen the death o' them orcs was somethin' I lon'ed fer ta see sence meh leaven.

I was abou' ta leave an go tell Kal tha' meh arm was feelen goo' now when I was awlmos' Blind sided by this Orc tha' I nay seen come up behoind meh, Bu' luckly I still 'ad meh sences an' ducked en toim or meh 'ead woul' sureleh been rollen on the groun' wit them other Orcs. I turned an' the fire en meh eyes sparked loik the flames o' a uncontrolled fire burnen free. I 'it the orc 'ere an' thar so many toims 'e nay knew where 'e was. After a few minutes o' toien wit this orc I desided tha' 'e was readeh ta lay down and take en 'is las' breath, So I then plunged meh dagger enta 'is 'eart an' smiled at 'im as ef we were friens. I watched 'im slowly go ta one knee, then ta the other knee an' foinally awl the way down.

As I stood thar loo'en at the newly fresh corpes I coul' nay 'elp bu' feel a wee bit sorreh fer wha' I jess done, Bu' knowen thar koind I knew I did the roit thin'. I then set ou' fer 'ome back en Yew wit Kal an' 'is uncle, Thar was bu' one thought en meh moind, Woul' I realleh be readeh fer meh Dutehs? Thar es one Guardsman tha' 'as awlreadeh tol' meh wha' 'e thought abou' meh. Well I nay care I will be readeh fer meh dutehs nay matter wha' I mus' der.

Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

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« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2005, 12:45:25 am »

Glad to see that you're prompt and on your duties already. Just don't get in trouble with the church again eh?

Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum,
Cove Militia & Cove Administration

Quote from: Eason on August 16, 2005, 11:54:20 pm
I dedicate my 3000th post to...
Tha' Dubai homeboy Ahmed! 3000!

Cor Ari Ta
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2005, 08:14:12 pm »

I wan' Ser as lon' as them nay push meh this toim.

         Junior Guardsman: Cor'Ari Ta

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