Hello my friends and fellow citizens...
I have been working day and night to open Cove's taiorshop, it will be open for Guardsmen to leave gear for repair and new parts.
Aswell I will be focusing on making fine costumes and such for special ocassions.
Thanks to Khaelieth and the East Covian Trading Company we shall now be running smoothly with plenty of work ahead.
If you wish to assist, then please leave me a message at my bird cage:
345345-654I shall post a map below later on with a description, but if you still can't find it ask somone who has seen it, Governor Baenedon, Citizen Khaelieth, or Guardsman Olchaffa "Chaffer" Serpent
*Signed neatly*
Jessica Hawkins
Follow the coast until you find a small cottage with pink flowers outside if you need something...
Anyhow...im afraid it can't be acessed at the moment..I accidently put it on Private before my timecard ended