Led By: Judas Deibeau
Attendants: Commander Eason,Erik Arknay,Athlalus,Drachir,Don Vito
Judas Slumps down on the floor inside the damaged barracks and beginins to wirte poetically....
It Be late in the evening when the Commander marched intae our damaged barracks and hawlered " Get yir arses outside!" We ran outside like ye'd expect. "We're goin oot on patrol" He says and just tae make matters worse " Deibeau yir leadin it!" a great urgancy tae releave myself came upon meh but the Commander was huvin naine of it! So i picked up meh sword and shield and instructed the men accordingly. The first port a call wis tae be the Orc fort!We battled our way in Takin on any filthy buggers that got in our way and gave em a kick fur good measure! We Were in the heat of battle when out of knowhere an Assassin Struck..Striking the young Recruit who fell to the ground. We gave chase but lost the Basturt in the heavy woodland. We returned tae the scene moments later where the Commander was helpin the poor sawd tae his feet tae find a note. This shall be looked at in mare depth by the light Company!After we had got the the recruit tae his feet and able tae support hisel we carried on with our objectives. Next..the Graveyard!! I instructed the men that this nay be a hero venture and that that lichy hing needs a swift stompin by a Covian boot!
Just as we arrived our good Light Company men Athlalus and Drachir showed up tae lend a hand!We layed in a swift raid of Brutality ridin the graveyard of all unpleasant buggers and a swift arrow from the injured recruit pit an end tae that evil Lich. It was startin tae get dark so i ordered the force march tae the Altmere outpost tae set up Sentry! We wur there in nay time and were ready fur any hoared that decided tae threatin the Covian Shire but luckily fur us none came! We held out through the Night until day break when we marched back tae Cove happy tae have Completed our objectives. A well carried out patrol by Coves best! Signed
Judas Deibeau