Lead By: Raiden Morana, Junior Grenaider
Members: Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout
Delc', Junior Gaudsman
Hoagie, Watchman
Talpa, Recruit
I 'ave the feelin' i missed a recrui'. If it's ye, please say.
I was wanderin' around when i was told the was a gate sentry goin' on. An' like everyone know's i Love a good sentry
*Sticks his fingers down his mouth*Any way, I wen' ta the gate an' found a few Gaurdsman standin' there with no leader, so we waited for a while an' Raiden Morana truned up an' toke controll.
After a bit of a sentry Raiden sent me and Delc' on a patrol of cove. After a bit o' walkin' an' old war wound of Delc's started hurtin' so we took a little break.
Once we got back we continued our sentry bu' found nay thing.
Tha's all.......