Well, I can't log on to ICQ since i don't know my password and can't retrieve it because their server cannpt be found. On my other computer I have autologin, and this computer iis located at my other home. So I will simply have to make my request here. I hope no one minds
Here is the items requested:
All armour in shadow ore and the following pieces of armour
Platemail Kabuto (whichever sort, just as long as it is a Kabuto)
Platemail Mempo
Platemail Do
Platemail Suneate
Platemail Hiro-Sode
And the following clothing
Waraji and tabi
Jin Baori
and these in covian tan.
And that is what I will need, I'll check on you now and then to see if my wares is ready.
Thank you!
*signed* Grazgorn