Guardsmen attending
Garak Nightchill Guardsman recruit
Ordimus Guardsman recruit
Rocco Cesareo Guardsman recruit
Rupert Ridir Watchman
Talpa Europaea Watchman
Kurt Watchman
Jennifer Feather Junior Guardsman
Judas Deibeau Regular Guardsman
Erik Arkay Grenadier Sergeant
Commander Eason
Vince Valentine Regular Grenadier (leading)
We were also Joined by a vesper lass Named Seraphi
I think tha' was everyone, let me know if i missed ye ou'.
Fer this trainin' session, i decided to take the guardsmen te th' dreaded Lair of th' Ophidians! There, we woul' practice healin' an' fightin' along with a bit o' targettin'.
Once i'd briefed th' Guardsmen, we 'eaded onwards cautiously, an' before we'd barely entered th' lair, were set upon by a group o' the snakey lookin' sods!
We formed up, an' i did me best to call ou' targets, while we battled an' 'ealed as quickly as we could. Before long, we were up te our waists in th' bodies o' our enemy. Yarrrr!
We continued, fightin' off more an' more o' them, Until there were nay more te slay. Tha's when we layed in wait in th' long grass where they seemed te be comin' from, bu' we'd obviously scared 'em te death, because they nay showed their faces fer a long while indeed!
So we decided if they would nay come te us, we would go to them! Deeper an' deeper we went, when suddenly a group o' them came at us from th' front, and a group flanked us from behind. Or only way out was te fight, which suited us jus' fine. We defeated 'em all, an' i decided we'd better nay push our luck, so we 'eaded back te th' barracks so i coul' dismiss th' men an' women. We made a tidy pile o' gold too, an' all guardsmen attending did a grand job indeed. An' wha' a fine turnou' too! *Nods firmly and beats his chest*
Fer th' Grenadiers!!!
Vince Valentine
Regular Grenadier