Guardsmen attending
Constantius Guardsman recruit
Rocco Cesario Guardsman recruit
Rupert Ridir Watchman
Kal Shadowhand Regular Scout
Vince Valentine Regular Grenadier
Erik Arkay Grenadier Sergeant
Judas Deibeau Junior Guardsman (Leading)
We started off th' trainin' session wit' a little team fightin'.
Rocco an' meself were split inte one group, an' Erik an' Constantius were split inte another. We were doin' alrigh' an' then Watchman Ridir Joined in th' trainin'. He was put onte Eriks team, an' then it went a little downhill fer me an' Rocco *mutters* Anywho, After we 'ad fough' a couple o' rounds, Judas ordered us te take off our armour an' get ready te 'eal th' person next te us. He then proceeded te give us all a good smackin'
Next was Th' dreaded physical excercise, in this case, runnin' laps o' the arena, Jus' in case we ever 'ave te retreat i 'spose...
Then we go' back te basics! We stood toe te toe with another guardsman, an' smacked each other abou' like we were in a bar brawl.
Th' Final part o' th' trainin' was, o' course, th' Last man standing Contest, which i'm 'appy te say was won by me an' Grenadier Sergeant Arkay.
A fine Training session indeed, it shapened everyones skills nicely i think *Nods firmly*
Vince Valentine
Regular Grenadier