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Author Topic: Vince's hunt to Illshenar  (Read 2333 times)
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +16/-4
Posts: 673

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« on: December 28, 2005, 09:17:15 am »

As I was sitting enloying some goos eats, a pigeon came fliing in my window perching itself on my old bird stand next to my Parot. I got up and took a note off its leg. You are needed, ( The note read ), So I gathered my things and made my way to the barracks. When I got there allready in line was.

*Vince Valentine:Officer Cadet (Hunt Header)

*Erik Arkay: Grenadier Sergeant
*Althalus: Senior Scout
*Kal ShadowHand: Officer Cadet
*Anari: Junior Guardsman
*Hoagie: Junior Guardsman
*Ben Radau: Watchman
*Tina: Guardsman Recruit
*Nicholi: Guardsman Recruit

After some time waiting to make sure no one else was coming we were ordered to force march to the Minoc moon gate. Once there we waited for the slow pot bellied ones to catch up. When all was preseant and acoun ted for we then were ordered to go through the gate to Honesty. As we arrived all was quite quiet, as we loiked it. we then headed out towards the pass then up north.

Along the was to start it was clear. But was soon fixed. We rand into some kind of beast rider and a few mages of some kind.

After disspatching them we went on and soon came up on more of these creatures and a funneh looking Gorgoyal in thar ranks.

But at the Coveian hands them went down quickly. We gathered the coins that fell to the ground that fell out of theit bellies after they were gutted, and pressed onwards.
As we begain to move out a yellow creature came up and engaged us like the fury of the nine hells.

We soon made out way the the Tunnel entrance where we were to investegate what is going on and to see what all lived there.

When we entered the first thing we could notice was the smell this place had, It was death, All around the smell of death stalked us as we made our way through. We also seen that it had stables, That meens there was life here before death took over. As we move forward we cleared roon after room till we came upon a room that was filled with alot of Viles of liquids of all kinds and was ordered to burn it so they can nolonger use it for evil makings of any bad potoins of any kind. BURN ET Sergeant Arkay orders.

We then left out and made our way to the exit that lead us to the entrance to a Valley.

We follow this valley for quite some time when we came up on a field that had this green looking thing that was floating in a pool of green water of some kind.

The damned thing was being protected by its surroundings, We could not convince it to come out, all it would do is sit there mocking us. So we then desided to leave the damned thing be for now.We wondered around looking at everything that we seen and knocking the living hell out of them Mongbats and the Living walking Earth thingies. We came upon a Open field, we looked around and went further in to find that the place was crawling with Giant lizard known as Drakes and Dragons.

Any thoughts we had of leaving without a fight was soon put to a halt, them damned things came on us like they haven't eaten in months. We then made our stand for we did not want to become Lizard food.

One by one we fought and killed these beast but as soon as one would fall another would take it's place. It seemed that we would be destand for fill the bellies of these beast, but none the les we fought on. the harder they pressed, the harder we fought.

We finally was ordered to fall back after thining out these beasts,so we did indeed fall back making sure everyone was still preasent. As we made our way out, Sergeant Arkay was hit by a Pigeon, The note was from Corporal Joey. He was at the exit. We then was order to fine the exit so we can pick up the Corporal. When we got there the Corporal had been knock several times, as he tried to get up another would make sure he stayed down.

After helping him up we were order to head back to cove. We headed out by the way of the swamp there which was very hear to walk through, it was deep and sticky. Every step we made, it was like waling through glue. We came upon a small village that was occupied but those walking lizardz.

after awhile tracking back to the Barracks we finally get there. We were ordered to lay down the coins we collect. After all the gold was layed out, Vince then gave out a fair shar to all of us Guardsman and took the rest for the Coffer.

We soon was dismised, So we Saluted Vince and went on our merry ways.

         Officer Cadet: Kal shadowHand


Vince Valentine
Cove Command
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +39/-6
Posts: 1127

Carl Hammond - Detective

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« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2005, 09:31:02 am »

Outstandin' report!
Was quite th' trip through 'em caverns eh?

          Vince Valentine
           Officer cadet

Gregor Eason
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2005, 05:18:07 pm »

Seemed quite the adventure!

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council
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