Guardsmen attending
Leloo Guardsman Recruit
Kas Valentine Junior Guardsman
Olchafa Serpernt Junior Guardsman
Garand Junior Guardsman
Rupert Ridir Junior Grenadier
Raiden Morana Regular Grenadier
Cor'ari ta Junior Scout
Erik Arkay Genadier Sergeant (at the time)
Vince Valentine Officer Cadet (Leading)
Th' trip started as always, with me briefin' th' guardsmen outside th' barracks. After a short march te th' moongate, we found ourselves at th' Honesty shrine.
We headed te th' NorthWest an' soon found ourselves standin' in front of a sinister lookin' entrance
We proceeded inwards, an' were surprised te see tha'it was furnished wit' some grand furnishin's, along with some strange ghostly creatures tha' nay seemed te be hostile.
We went deeper and th' passagesways became even more grand, one in particular tha'seemed te hold a dancefloor, tha' one of our guardsmen decided te test out
As we got deeper stil, th' lavish surroundin's were quickly replaced with blood soaked walls! Suddenly, we were attcked by a group of mages, who seemed te be guardin' a room, an' we soon found out why! Seems it was where they kept their trasures!
As soon as we'd stuffed our packs with as much as we coul' carry, we 'eaded out, deeper still, te a room where there seemed te be groaning coming from inside. We readied ourselves, an' flung th' doors open, te be greeted by a golden zombie-like creature. I yelled ou' th' command "FORM" an' we set about hackin' th' rotten bugger down! Nay sooner 'ad we ended his misery, another one came stumblin' towards us, golden jus' like th' first. Th' bugger seemed te be a bit 'andy with poison, an' a couple o' us fell te it, bu' were soon back on our feet.
After we'd seen them off, we decided te deal with th' rest of 'em
They kept comin', but we stood our ground, an' soon we were victorious!
We went down a set o'steps, an' the floor there seemed te be covered in magical devices tha' whisked you away when ye stood on 'em! After a short while, we decided tha' it were too annoyin'' te deal with, and fought our way back te th' entrance, where we returned te cove te rest up after a job well done
Grand job guardsmen, nay goldy sods can stand up te th' might o' Cove eh?
*Beats chest*
Vince Valentine
Officer Cadet