Jenifers Story.
As Chaffers 'as said, i had me th' hard task of gitten myself a genuine Yewsmans unform, of course, i decided this would be an excelent time ter test my diguisin' skills picked up in my light company trials. I diguised myself as Brandi, a simple traveling girls with great looks an' a flirtacious nature.. Of course, this was enough to fool thems Yewsmen and it was not long before i chose my target, Will, the footman.. i nay know his second name because no one said it ter him... I talked ter him in th' tavern for a while, he did nay seem sure whether the Covian Army were evil or no', there may be hope o' stealing some smelly yewsmen for recruits... E' told me to watch out when i went past Covetous next though.. so maybe 'e is wary o' us.. We was asked ter head ter the rooftops for some training by some man in golden arms, i nay got his name.. we were waiting outside when they caught a glimpse of Chaffers, adament it was a "deadite" they began thinkin' o using me as bait ter draw him out again...
The stupidity o' the Yewsmen...
After we waited a while they decided th' danger had passed, then it was time fer "Wills" training ter start, i watched 'im git bashed repeatedly by golden arms and' decided i had stayed there long enough, i told them i had ter go an' i was left alone with "Will" i told him we would swap kilts and then leave... after all th' sweet talkin' i had done earlier the fool fell for it, we swapped kilts an' sashes.. i had gotten my prize it was time ter leave! As he was escorting me a man called him from the citadel and he had ter leave.. luckily... i had begun thinkin' i would 'ave ter poisen him ter git rid o' him...
The Prize is claimed...
That is the tale o' how two scouts came into possesion of an antire Yewish Guardsmen uniform..
Signed: Jenifer Feather
[OOC] This is out of character infomation to anyone not in the scouts OR command. Sorry for the sketches i wasnt expecting to report it... [/OOC]