Jenifer Teaches people about scouts..Led By: Jenifer Feather
Present: Leloo
I rallied people ter the new stronghold ter teach them how ter deal with enemy scouts, since we's be th' deadliest buggahs around i thought it would help the army if i taught the recruits an' watchmen how ter deal with them! I firstly thought me an' Cor should show them the damage a scout squad can do. We allowed both Leloo and Lysandera a go at seeing what happened, both fell quickly though Leloo put up a strong fight. Then we tried them together and they ran around so we decided to re-evaluate their tactics..
And down they go...
Then we discussed the different tactics that could be used, i showed them that positioning within the form was most important, we placed Leloo in the middle as the fighting squad and had mages either side ready to heal, because Leloo could reach us whoever we were attacking it worked perfectly none of them fell, because they kept formed HURAH!
The three survive!
After some final words of wisdom, we had a free for all ter end th' trainin' an' the group was dismissed! They learnt alo' they did..
Signed : Jenifer Feather.